Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [conj] [vb past] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In her essay ‘ Sculpture in the Expanded Field ’ , 5 art historian Rosalind Krauss explored ideas about categories in ways that might be useful to this discussion about textiles : ‘ over the last 10 years rather surprising things have come to be called sculpture : narrow corridors with TV monitors at the ends , large photographs documenting country hikes … categories like sculpture and painting have been kneaded and stretched and twisted in an extraordinary demonstration of elasticity , and display of the way in which a cultural term can be extended to include just about anything ’ .
2 When I first began the work that I am doing now , I decided to keep an open mind about the topic ; but , as time has progressed , I have been able to record details of fact , time and place given to me by my patients which have later been checked and confirmed and found to be wholly accurate .
3 New workplaces opened for the first time on or after 1 January 1993 or those that are modified or extended or converted should comply with the Regulations immediately .
4 Ethics have been downgraded or diluted or made to fit into narrow understandings .
5 The war had started again , but would n't it be wonderful , Jane thought , if during those brief moments of stillness , no one had been wounded or blinded or burned .
6 Here they 're weighed and measured and checked for the early signs of malnutrition , cholera and smallpox .
7 It automatically remembers folders and files which have been opened or saved and allows easy access to them , either via pop-up menus , command keys or a wildcard file search .
8 In both classical and positivist criminology , it is the particular way their basic assumptions are interpreted and developed that establishes their political and ideological positions .
9 now if you 're a football fan you 'll have been crossing the days out on the calendar for a couple of months now … the supporters scarf will have been washed and ironed and sitting ready for weeks … and by my calculation you 've only got one hundred and sixteen hours left to the big kick off … so here 's a taster
10 It should be recognized and accepted that coping with hearing loss can be utterly exhausting .
11 Thus the letter to the shop manager should have instructed him that the goods should not be exposed or displayed or offered for sale without the label first being removed .
12 If the textual sprawl of today 's average ‘ quality ’ newspaper ultimately represents less than the sum of its sections , then it also represents in a more immediate sense the collapse of what Neville Wakefield has recently described as ‘ a world in which information can still be organised and evaluated and hierarchised according to rigid structures of meaning ’ The new generation of ‘ top people 's papers wear their manifold contradictions firmly on their sleeves .
13 Therefore , to prove the offence of using against the employer as well as against the driver , the employer must be interviewed and questioned as follows : ‘ Are you ( or your firm ) the owner of motor vehicle … ? ’ 'Then ‘ was the vehicle being used on your ( or your firm 's ) business at … ( time ) … on … ( date ) … in … ( road ) … ? ’
14 My dolls were never babies to be fed and bathed and kissed but the protagonists of enormous adventures .
15 In this case , it would be hard to find language indicating more clearly that Mr Clayton intended the land to be preserved and managed as playing fields for all time , or at least for as long as the law permitted .
16 These will then be transcribed and computered and built into a database which will contain several million words .
17 The jewel was almost in his grasp ; almost about to be displayed and photographed and written up in all the right journals : a jewel he himself had traced , and one he 'd worked so hard to get donated to the Ashmolean .
18 Blinds can be raised and lowered as required .
19 This neither has to be demonstrated nor theorized because meaning for semiotics is not the issue , it is the structure of signifiers that is under scrutiny .
20 The attitude to the Asian women employed is that they should be hired and fired as needed .
21 These graphics can then be enlarged or reduced and positioned anywhere on the page .
22 A high level of involvement in SEHE enables examples of innovative , good practice to be shared and disseminated and maximises the use of all resources .
23 In addition they must always be muzzled and leashed when taken out in public and owners , who must have third party insurance , have to take adequate precautions to stop dogs escaping .
24 And soon it will catch me up and I 'll be bloodsuckled and toothpluckled and stonechuckled and chewed up into tiny pieces , and then the Spittler will spit me out in a cloud of smoke and that will be the end of me ! ’
25 a false indication that a price is expected to be increased or reduced or maintained ( whether or not for a particular period ) ;
26 He 's a man who has crushed all softness in himself , so why should his son be indulged , be allowed to cry and display his grief , be stroked and cuddled and consoled when he never was ?
27 This was in line with the general authority policy , not of compelling change or forcing patterns , programmes and methods upon schools , but on the contrary providing the means whereby the kinds of action it wanted could be supported and rewarded and developed : the carrot and not the stick .
28 Adesangé , god of the volcano , was the lord of Sycorax 's rites , and Ariel , even in her mutism , was startled by the fervour of the woman who had once been so sceptical of others ' belief in her powers , who used to insist that all mysteries lay in the processes of nature and need only be observed and analysed and understood .
29 No person shall be appointed or re-appointed or act as a Director unless he is a solicitor or a registered foreign lawyer .
30 No person shall be appointed or re-appointed or act as a Director unless he is a solicitor or a registered foreign lawyer .
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