Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [conj] we [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Both points about unfairness are revealed once we note that in the election of 1983 the Conservatives secured one Commons seat for every 33 000 votes ; Labour one for every 40 000 ; and the Liberals and Social Democrats one for every 340 000 .
2 Anyone who wants to change anything will have to somehow change it without altering the figures because they 're settled and we know that if we ever go back to No. 10 or the Cabinet we 'll always get the backing of the Prime Minister and the appellant will always be overturned . ’
3 ‘ We should therefore hate the committee to think that we are complaining when we say that , far from having a benefit to declare , we were clearly disadvantaged and out of pocket . ’
4 ‘ There are informal networks through which we let one another know what we are doing and we meet and talk .
5 If we are to ensure that we preserve and protect the quality of life in the urban environment , we must recognise the need for a change in the code of compensation and the circumstances and amount in which it is given .
6 This pattern of latencies can be explained if we assume that when a subordinate clause appears before its main clause syntactic information about the subordinate clause needs to be retained until the main clause has been heard .
7 Because these will be resent as we know that have individual needs in individual ways and they often rub off one against the other if they live in closeness as we all do .
8 John Feaver , LTA Director of Events and Tournaments , said , ‘ Our experiences last year convinced us that something had to be done and we hope that this system will really help the enthusiastic spectator . ’
9 Parts are still at this time being occupied but it is almost certain before long that the whole of the building will be condemned and we hope that this old building will be preserved and not allowed to fall into decay .
10 In the same fashion , Kant maintained , the nature of our knowledge can not be understood if we assume that it is simply fed into us from outside ourselves , and that we are merely passive recipients of information from the world around us .
11 may be appreciated when we reflect that if our rulers in the nineteenth century were educated at Eton , our rulers of the twentieth century are being educated in the elementary schools .
12 We have demonstrated once again that technical difficulties can be overcome and we believe that this proves that PFR should have been allowed to continue operations beyond 31st March , 1994 ’ .
13 I thought I would mention this at the outset because so many details , which would normally be left until we reach that particular stage , will be discussed with earlier parts of the legislation .
14 For instance , much of the fear about scientists playing God and creating children can be dispelled if we consider that in the process of in vitro fertilization , the scientist allows the sperm to meet the egg in the laboratory instead of the Fallopian tube , which is blocked .
15 These expectations are fulfilled when we find that the chief things for which Moore claims great intrinsic value are personal friendship and the appreciation of beautiful objects .
16 Members of the department do what they are asked but we wonder if they are all as innovative as they might be .
17 As above , no comparative data were given but we found that cuckoos fledged more chicks both per nest and per egg laid at Santa Fe than at Guadix ( Table 1 ) .
18 You know , because I think we as parish council would have thought that we were interfering if we suggested that we should go to observe somebody 's group meeting .
19 From this period until the Bishopric of Gilbert de Glanville the buildings at Hailing were neglected and we know that Glanville carried out a great deal of restoration work here .
20 was quoted as saying words to the effect , that we do n't do much talking until the fighting is done and we hope when we , when we are gone we 'll be glad we came .
21 A fairly similar situation is found if we ask if can precede and ; some RP speakers have in ‘ lunch ’ , ‘ French ’ , etc. , and never pronounce the sequence within a syllable , while other speakers always have in these contexts and never .
22 Your patience is appreciated and we apologise if we have been overpaying you .
23 Discussions have been initiated and we hope that agreement will be reached with several colleges to devolve responsibility to them in 1989 .
24 and , a relationship built up , especially between myself and the surrogate and life was devastated when we parted and my daughter will always know how much her genetic mother loves her and how much I love her obviously .
25 The guards knew full well what was happening and we knew that after a few days they were likely to get heavy about it .
26 Because there is little motor activity in the healthy colon during sleep , sedation was minimised and we waited until the patient was awake before starting the testing .
27 There appeared to be some problem with our papers regarding the tonnage we were hauling until a 20DM note was produced and we insisted that we did not require a receipt .
28 This period was chosen as we considered that it was th minimum required to obtain a good baseline for treatment frequency and laser energy requirements for good tumour control .
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