Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [conj] they are [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The newly made pots are glazed when they are completely dry and are fired to 1,285° Centigrade in their ‘ top hat ceramic fibre glass kiln ’ which they designed and built .
2 If its research is successful , it should mean the end of mass-produced tomatoes that are tasteless because they are picked before they are fully ripe to prevent wastage during handling .
3 As part of our routine annual review of allocations , we shall continue to consider how best to ensure that funds are targeted where they are most needed .
4 Harley MS 6579 and marked by italics : Or further , in chapter forty-six , where Hilton is talking about the word " Iesu " as a means of focusing all the inheritance of life that the recluse desires , he says : These insertions do not add anything new , they simply expand in a particular way what has been said and they are not absolutely consistent in all the manuscripts in which they appear .
5 Those admitted to the acute wards with severely uncontrolled diabetes are transferred when they are sufficiently recovered and undergo assessment of their self-management .
6 In some cases , however , collector bias might offset the problems of selective preservation , as the animals that are over-represented because they are easily fossilised then become under-represented because they are less assiduously collected .
7 Other wheels are turning but they are not our concern .
8 The really gigantic spiders are sometimes captured and used as barter , but mostly these enormous creatures are avoided because they are too dangerous .
9 Books and other references sources can be extremely useful and I 've found the staff at most libraries very helpful … that is , once they 've been persuaded that they are not dealing with an imaginative miscreant !
10 It would be nice to think that these incidents are isolated but they are not .
11 Some of these children are saying that they are not black or that they do not want to be associated with other black people .
12 The more common it is , the more people will know of others who have been divorced and they are correspondingly less likely to condemn this action .
13 If lifetime employment and seniority wages are seen as key distinguishing characteristics of the Japanese labour market then it has to be recognized that they are far from universal features .
14 The lines of the formerly integrated drainage systems can be traced but they are only used by present-day floods in their upper tracts , so forming a characteristically disintegrated pattern .
15 These exceptional cases apart ( and it must be recalled that they are not really examples of the situation under discussion ) , it has been seen that there is no good ground for arguing that the doctor breaches his duty to his patient when respecting the patient 's wishes to be left to die .
16 The failure finally to secure 18 pubs from Bass , which would have boosted Hoskin 's estate to 29 , must have dented market confidence , a confidence that needs to be regained if they are not to be swallowed by one of the many new thrusting pub retailers actively seeking new acquisitions .
17 It can be added that they are not mysteries , not discontinuities , not small or large miracles , and so on .
18 The analyst is then forced on the defensive , explaining why new features can not be included because they are technically difficult or prohibitively expensive .
19 Sexual problems of the child may stem from any of the above considerations , although it must again be stressed that they are not inevitable .
20 Team sizes can be varied but they are always made up of an odd number of competitors .
21 Such questions may seem pedantic , but it will be seen later that quite large errors can be made unless they are correctly answered .
22 Whichever figure is accepted , it can be seen that they are uniformly low at below 5 per cent , even in more recent years .
23 Match these arguments against the criteria with which this chapter began , however , and it will be seen that they are far from conclusive .
24 Erm , it 's clearly states that a new settlement should be only contemplated where , and it 's my opinion , that all those factors need to be met and they are not weighted within that er paragraph .
25 Similarly , if a person is able to accept supervision , how can it be argued that they are not able to consent to the medical arrangements given during it ?
26 In particular , the Kitchen herbs are liable not to be used unless they are very close to hand for the cook ; in the rush of making up food amongst all the other demands being made at the same time , a trough or window-box of herbs on the Kitchen windowsill or just outside the backdoor will ensure that culinary herbs are used daily .
27 Questionnaires and achievement scores may be used but they are rarely given high priority .
28 Practitioners who initially took a stance against involvement in purchasing because of their concerns over fundholding leading to a two tier system need to be persuaded that they are still needed in influencing purchasing decisions overall .
29 It can be shown that they are algebraically general in the interaction region .
30 In the US , Gena Corea , author of The Mother Machine , reports that John Stehura — president of Bionetics Foundation Inc. , an organisation in the surrogacy business — predicted that in the future , the surrogate industry will hire poor women who will accept lower fees , and that women from Mexico and Central America could be procured if they are not donating their own ’ genetic material ’ ( eggs ) to make babies for white , North American couples .
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