Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [adv] to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , if you are editing in camera , and if your camcorder has a fade-button , it is quite practical to put the fades in as you go if you are organised enough to be able to pick the points at which they should come .
2 It would be simplistic and indeed inaccurate , however , to ascribe a single ‘ mood ’ to the workforce , although industrial relations are considered generally to be good as memories of last year 's conflict dim .
3 The former are considered by the council of ICAO to be necessary to help bring about the regularity and safety of air transport while the latter are considered merely to be desirable .
4 Although most agency workers are taxed and pay social security contributions as if they were dependent employees , and most think of themselves as an employee of the agency for which they work , the relationship between them and these agencies has been deemed not to be one of employment .
5 They 're designed primarily to be fast and powerful and therefore they 're very polluting and in fact , when you look at the engineering and craftsmenship , it could be much more usefully employed making models more fuel efficient and therefore , less polluting .
6 They all paid a fortune to come on this trip and they 're entitled not to be upset . ’
7 First , a series of dimensions are identified which have been agreed both to be important aspects of child development and/or of particular relevance to separated children .
8 The consultants are thought still to be some way off publishing their preferred route options for the M12 scheme .
9 Our model , although it requires more than one site of learning , accounts for data from multiple laboratories and reconciles observations that had been thought previously to be contradictory .
10 ‘ biblical standard , given for the well-being of society ... [ that ] fornication , adultery and homosexual acts are sinful in all circumstances ... [ and that ] Christian leaders are called on to be exemplary in all spheres of morality , including sexual morality , as a condition of being appointed to or remaining in office .
11 After the return to civilian rule , the newly formed state radio corporations , which had been set up to be independent of Federal Government authority , were immediately subjected to local political control .
12 In general , clients are known not to be able to articulate all their requirements and expectations .
13 The ingredients of some pesticides have been found not to be injurious to fish , but when an otter consumes a large amount of fish which have absorbed those chemicals , then the otter can become affected and may die or become sterile .
14 There are some problems which are set up to be impossible to solve .
15 We are set up to be competitive for the size and shape of projects that we are shooting for and the industries we are targeting .
16 I did n't want to hurt their feelings , having been brought up to be polite , so I tried to look happy and muttered something about Helen playing the piano very well .
17 Interrupt — difficult to do if you 've been brought up to be polite , but necessary to learn .
18 I 've always been brought up to be domesticated — to do the housework and dust and wash up and cook — so it 's a natural instinct really .
19 She had been brought up to be thrifty and careful .
20 Others have focused on the socialization process through which girls are brought up to be gentle , passive people who will do as they are told , while boys are brought up to be bolder and more aggressive .
21 Others have focused on the socialization process through which girls are brought up to be gentle , passive people who will do as they are told , while boys are brought up to be bolder and more aggressive .
22 ‘ These arguments ( against fast foods ) use lack of balance to dramatize a point that would be seen instantly to be ludicrous if presented reasonably .
23 She did n't want anyone to talk to her so she could be seen not to be alone .
24 For no matter how much it is objected that it can not be stated definitely from these considerations just what the thing is like according to its nature , but only what it is like in respect to one thing or to another , it may still be said what there is in it which makes it appear to be this in respect to one thing and that in respect to another ; and consequently it may be said both to be one thing according to its nature and to be this or that in respect to other things .
25 Sir Brynmor Jones said jocularly : " The teacher who can be replaced by a teaching machine or any audio-visual aid deserves to be ( 1968 : 281 ) and this might be thought also to be true of replacement by ancillaries .
26 ‘ I 'm beginning not to be surprised . ’
27 And that is why we 're asking for officers to form a report on whether or not a small building maintenance team should be set up to be able to carry out that work .
28 I 'm trying not to be unkind but I doubt whether he has the requirements for international football and I would n't be surprised if he 's missing from next week 's squad .
29 In addition , Vogtlander argued , CO 2 emissions are a ‘ global problem ’ and they should be tackled globally to be effective .
30 The Act of 1988 should also be held not to be discriminatory .
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