Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [pron] back [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 We are expecting him back on Monday — but if he 's only staying for three days it 's a pointless exercise .
2 ‘ Once she 's recovered , you will be bringing her back to Lomond View ? ’
3 I think , since this is , after all , my first sermon as curate here — in fact , it 's my first sermon ever — I 'd better stop or the Bishop will be posting me back to Rosstrevor .
4 I 'm transferring you back to London .
5 Maybe they were holding him back in Beirut while the final details were worked out .
6 ‘ The worst they can do is send us back tae Glasgow . ’
7 The Bellevue , Washington-based firm purchased this software and is licensing it back to Boeing .
8 Now I was in a position to move on ; but something had taken root deeper than the superficialities of travelling — a feeling that my story was not here , that something was drawing me back to Peru .
9 and erm she li she 's in Egham and her boyfriend came down and was driving her back to Sheffield and then driving back again here on Monday so she got a free journey home .
10 ‘ Ruggiero was driving her back from Rome late one night , and somehow the car left the road and ended up against a tree .
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