Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [pron] [adv prt] on the " in BNC.

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1 When you look down , when you are seeing it in on the television pictures , you look down from an aerial view .
2 And I hope we 'll be seeing you back on the field soon .
3 I 'm letting you in on the latest fashion and all you can do is accuse me of lying .
4 ‘ And as far as the mentally handicapped people go I do n't believe we should be throwing them out on the streets . ’
5 Just such an episode has been playing itself out on the American financial stage .
6 Ward 's side had been fighting it out on the streets with the IPLO 's Dublin-based Army Council in a row over drug money .
7 Five years ago there were over two hundred kidnappings there — the pickings were rich along the Costa Smeralda for those who were sticking it out on the hills above — but last year there were only three , and one of those a complete failure .
8 Here he is now , cast in cement , somewhat undersized Gibson slung around him , coloured in garish as the statue , showing dully familiar images — Bob , Bunny and Peter in Wailing Wailers suits , Bob at the Peace Concert in 1978 , linking the hands of opposing politicians whose supporters were shooting it out on the streets .
9 you do is hang it over on the clothes line , stand back a few inches , just give it an even spray ,
10 Absolutely the other tip with black sacks is tip them out on the floor , do not plunge the hand into it you get livestock , and I have actually had teeth .
11 So when the jacket of Elleke Bohemer 's book An Immaculate Figure ( Bloomsbury £15.99 ) claims it is ‘ a compelling and beautifully told parable about Africa , whiteness and beauty ’ the reader 's first reaction is to put it back on the shelf and move quickly on .
12 ‘ All you have to do , Sorrel dear , is fill me in on the gossip about Simon Cawthorne .
13 It is not known who gave him the letter but it was to set him off on the road to fame and fortune .
14 ‘ How did you feel , ’ he said , ‘ when the monkey was holding you up on the roof ? ’
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