Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] some [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Though since to find an alternative word was n't going to alter matters at all by the look of it , Fabia began to wonder if perhaps Vendelin Gajdusek was coming back from Prague today to keep his appointment but had been delayed for some reason or another .
2 They were as follows : ( 1 ) there is a dispute or a difference between the parties which has been formulated in some way or other ( see 15.5 ) ; ( 2 ) the dispute or difference has been remitted by the parties to the person to resolve in such a manner that he is called on to exercise a judicial function ( see 15.6 ) ; ( 3 ) where appropriate , the parties must have been provided with an opportunity to present evidence and/or submissions in support of their respective claims in the dispute ( see 15.7 ) ; and ( 4 ) the parties have agreed to accept his decision ( see 15.8 ) .
3 For most people their tears are distorted in some way or another , often confused and strangled , not flowing freely .
4 So I should n't think he 's been driving for some time and
5 You can link object with drawn lines that are constrained in some way or other .
6 And the buildings looked as derelict as if they had all been lifted by some force and dropped again .
7 The research has been done for some time and the results have been known for some time , yet still the Government do nothing .
8 Well he must have been transferred for some reason or other .
9 It has been considered that the simultaneous presence of ultradian and daily rhythms suggests that they are related in some way and possibly all come from the same body clock .
10 Around 10% of the entire British population are disabled in some way or another , of which 20–25% are mentally handicapped .
11 In Northern Ireland , as in the rest of the UK , these tables have been met with some controversy and suspicion .
12 Bound , hard cover books , laboratory notebooks have been used for some time and have a strong pedigree .
13 The mill has been completely redesigned ; new offices have been built to accommodate regional staff , and almost every corner of the site has been affected in some way or another .
14 Times must still have been hard down Whittox Lane , though nearly all its inhabitants seem to have been employed in some way or another — most of them in the clothing trade , alongside Mr. Middleditch , the Badcox Lane Baptist minister , and Charles Dyer , 23 , a coal miner .
15 The squinch had been known for some time and was used in Persia , Turkestan , Armenia and Asia Minor .
16 To qualify for copyright protection a work of art must be original and must be realised in some medium or form of expression .
17 They must therefore be approached with some apprehension and with rather more care than normal .
18 He would report her missing and the crime would doubtlessly be blamed on some tramp or itinerate worker .
19 In our day this has degenerated into the assumption that virtually every personal misfortune can be blamed upon some authority or institution — usually the government of the day .
20 Allowances should be made for some variation but the key characters highlighted by arrows , are unlikely to vary significantly .
21 After all , the survey will have to be done at some stage and it is only going to be helpful to carry out a pilot if it tells the designer something he did not know .
22 German PoWs : " In addition to the Yugoslavs " Macmillan continues , " Gen Keightley has to deal with nearly 400,000 surrendered or surrendering Germans , not yet disarmed ( except as to tanks and guns ) who must be shepherded into some place or other , fed and given camps etc .
23 This conceded something to the Americans , though if Nato were seriously pressed it was evident that — short of surrender — nuclear weapons would have to be used in some way or other .
24 the VAT element in the price must be shown in some form or other ;
25 It is very different , and as you can see has to be based on some knowledge or understanding .
26 First , the curriculum should be based on some body or bodies of knowledge .
27 ‘ The expectations may be based upon some statement or undertaking by , or on behalf of , the public authority which has the duty of making the decision , if the authority has , through its officers , acted in a way that would make it unfair or inconsistent with good administration for him to be denied such an inquiry .
28 More and more trainees will present themselves at centres with widely varying degrees of knowledge , skills and attitudes in different areas and will ask for these to be recognised in some way or other .
29 The demo can be played for some time and allows for detailed assessment before opting to buy .
30 What must be remembered though is that whatever is asked and answered in a survey has to be inputted in some way and once it has been processed the output has to be read by someone .
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