Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [det] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Magritte 's career has not been examined in such detail in Britain since Sylvester curated a smaller and more exclusive exhibition for the Tate Gallery in 1969 .
2 Index figures are calculated for each artist in each succeeding year .
3 A set of possible parse continuations are assigned to each word in the text from a lexicon which lists the parse continuations from each pair of tags .
4 If sufficiently detailed subject headings are assigned to each document in a collection , then there is a high probability that most of the documents relevant to an enquiry will be retrieved in any online search , but only those documents which match the search terms exactly will be recalled .
5 Example tasks are given for each skill in relation to a particular content area .
6 A number of different dates are given for these events in Molla Husrev 's career by various authors , both early and late .
7 In the case of hierarchies only general formal characteristics are discussed : specific types of hierarchy are treated in some detail in chapter 6 ( taxonomic hierarchies ) , chapter 7 ( part-whole hierarchies ) and chapter 8 ( non-branching hierarchies ) .
8 The unit gives a broad introduction to issues and problems which are treated in more detail in the second and final years .
9 I am convinced that stuff had been accumulating for many years in this cellar and that Ernest Griffiths had no idea what was in there .
10 Older embryos and more extended cultures benefit from a rotating system and , judging from the experience with rat embryos , the same is probably true for primitive streak stage embryos , although no direct comparison between static and rotating culture systems has been undertaken at this stage in the mouse .
11 This is an important consideration when attempting to interpret palaeoecology from the composition of fossil faunas that are derived from predator activity , and it has been treated in some detail in the appendix , where comparative data for a number of the predator species has been summarized .
12 • In rodents , rhythms continue to develop in animals that have been reared for several generations in constant conditions .
13 ‘ If you are to go into this business in a big way , you want to think of buying in ready-made uppers for men 's boots , that would cut down the work a lot , mind . ’
14 The previous half-year figures have been adjusted for this change in presentation .
15 The sentiments among the majority of Northern lay presbyterians are biased towards those elements in the Westminster Confessional which are antagonistic to Roman catholic practice and belief : the evils of the papacy and priesthood and the suppression of Christian liberty , the evils of the mass and devotions to the saints , all of which combine to turn Christians to superstition and idolatry and away from almighty God and true salvation in Christ .
16 When these indicators are examined in more detail in relation to investment , productivity and competitiveness , the picture which emerges is not predominantly one of inadequate supplies of labour in manufacturing industry but one of the low productive efficiency of the existing labour force as it is employed in combination with other factors of production .
17 ( These factors are examined in more detail in our chapters on the family and sexual divisions . )
18 This issue raises a whole series of complex methodological questions that are examined in some detail in P.A. Consultants ' 1987 review .
19 And actually have been to support on many occasions in her constituency .
20 I think it extremely likely that the plaintiff would have followed the inevitable recommendation from its officers which would have been to proceed with this action in order to avoid paying compensation .
21 Not much enlightenment there ; the same reply could have been given at any time in the past four years .
22 As the minutes of the conclusions of the conference stated : " Various cases have recently been referred to this HQ in which doubt has been raised as to whether certain formations and groups should be treated as Soviet Nationals in so far as their return to the Soviet Union direct from 5 Corps is concerned . "
23 As we have seen , the order which summarised the rulings of this conference began by stating that " various cases have recently been referred to this HQ in which doubt has been raised as to whether certain formations and groups should be treated as Soviet Nationals " .
24 That is best illustrated by the fact that a similar case has been referred by another GP in north Devon to the same unit in Birmingham .
25 Voluntary offers are explained in more detail in Chapter 9 .
26 These are referred to briefly in para 1.2 above and are explained in more detail in Chapter 8 .
27 Because authorities do not have the right to impose completely independent duties on people , because their directives should reflect dependent reasons which are binding on those people in any case , they have the right to replace people 's own judgment on the merits of the case .
28 Deep feelings are aroused by such activities in those who care , even though these are sometimes personally repressed or professionally suppressed .
29 Here we know that the enclosure of the open fields began in the 1570s , and had been completed by some date in the seventeenth century .
30 " Ladies and gentlemen , I need not tell you how we are ravaged by this disease in Krishnapur !
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