Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Dyed Glassfish have been proven to be susceptible to Lymphocystis and the white marks may not in fact have been white spot .
2 General SVQs are designed to be open to those who are not in work .
3 The prevalence rate of hypercholesterolaemia in diabetics has been reported to be similar to the non-diabetic population , that is from 8 per cent to as high as 52 per cent ( Hayes , 1972 ) .
4 Social control performs the function of defining those acts that are deemed to be harmful to the society .
5 There is no uniform or objective way of reporting events in all their detail , exactly as they happen in the real world ; the structure of each language highlights , and to a large extent preselects , certain areas which are deemed to be fundamental to the reporting of any experience .
6 They have been designed to be relevant to both small and large organisations in the public and private sectors , and take into account the variations that there will inevitably be in organisations ' approaches to developing their people .
7 The elegant slimline desktop case has been designed to be pleasing to the eye , and overall the machine seems to be well finished off .
8 The analysis has indicated that the sands are variably shaly and some anomalous log responses are considered to be due to the presence of secondary minerals , either as cement or detrital elements .
9 The thrombi are considered to be secondary to local injury , stasis or cor-pulmonale .
10 Computers , especially microcomputers and terminals with monitors , have been claimed to be harmful to the health of the operator because of radioactive emissions although at the present time there does not appear to be any conclusive proof that a real danger to health exists .
11 China and Taiwan are reported to be close to agreement on joint development of a centre for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste .
12 However , there are certain qualities which are seen to be peculiar to physics and these are crucial to our understanding of the construction of physics as a discipline .
13 Carpentier , in particular , explores Latin America 's relation to the Western world , notably in Explosion in a Cathedral , which portrays Caribbean society against the background of the French Revolution , and , in all of his works , implanted European systems are seen to be inappropriate to the American environment .
14 The differences in organisation are said to be due to innate ability , and the kind of experience received .
15 The research and development costs of these drugs are said to be close to £10-£15 million .
16 They are said to be similar to material distributed previously by Mr Round .
17 These shapes are said to be common to each of the three pictures .
18 This will take the form of Preliminary Training ; a core part in the new Module 20 which has been expanded to last one and a half days followed by a written assessment with a pass mark of 75% ; and Specialist Training — both on and off the job which has been tailored to be appropriate to the area that the prospective RPS will be working in .
19 All , all I 'm saying is that we need to , before we literally start dotting I 's and crossing T's in any literal sense is to sussed out whether that 's gon na , whether they 're going to be receptive to the subject matter .
20 ‘ We 're going to be close to each other for the next few days , perhaps longer , and I refuse to keep calling you Miss Adams ; Claudia is a charming name . ’
21 ‘ What do you mean by saying we 're going to be close to each other ?
22 The prospects for management buy-outs are really very bleak , the reason for that is that the franchises which we 're hearing about are likely to be very short , the franchisee will own no assets , no land , no rolling stock , nothing with which to go to the bank as security for loan .
23 I said , ‘ Oh for Chris'sakes , shut up I know you 're trying to be nice to me and help me , but please do n't because you 're just giving me a headache . ’
24 So we 're gon na be on-line to a a mainframe in Ripon would you believe it !
25 Erm he , he 's saying , he 's saying here that basically Chiang Kai-Shek erm and all the people of have s have talked about the fact that erm , you know , they wa they want to arouse the masses of the people but then that they 're gon na be scared to death when the masses do rise .
26 Okay well if you do n't mind my I have to er because it does affect whether you 're you 're gon na be able to erm sometimes earn the right money .
27 The point is of some importance since a number of rules of procedure are growing to be applicable to Cabinet Committees and we ought to know where there is a real , useful distinction or whether it is merely the pragmatical difference that some are serviced by the Cabinet Office and some are not .
28 Xorandor examines the narrative aspect of the novel by exploring the theoretical problems of story-telling from the point of view of children whose minds have been formed by their exposure to computers ; here techniques specific to narrative are shown to be central to even the most logical of sciences .
29 This education may go well beyond simply fostering understanding of the change itself ; it may include needs assessment and subsequent training in the skills and knowledge that are shown to be essential to functioning successfully in the changed environment .
30 Such social changes are shown to be prior to , and necessary precursors of , any technological changes , such as industrialization ( Marx 1974 : 318–47 ) .
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