Example sentences of "[conj] we must [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The choice of a serial implement tat ion for a computer would affect the architecture to the extent that we must choose a representation for negative numbers that can economically be processed in a serial manner .
2 The recession that we 've gone through in materials and elsewhere in the economy has taught us , or should have taught us I believe , a very clear lesson and that is that we must end the situation that 's in the building materials industry where our members rely for a reasonable standard of living on bonus earnings the problem being of course that as soon as the recession starts to bite , then the bonus pay becomes very vulnerable to attack and reduction by the employers .
3 In summary , the assessment of pain in babies and animals is so much more difficult than in adult humans that we must face the likelihood that we often get it wrong .
4 Sartre said that we must invent the heart of things if we wish one day to discover it , and it is to this end that sensation is the beginning of a transformational process and not an end .
5 I believe that we must manufacture the type of goods the rest of the world want , and at a price they can afford .
6 I agree with the hon. Member for Cardiff , North that we must consider the question of responsibility and tighten up the legislation .
7 I take the view that a collection of material which is consonant with our acquisitions policy in other respects , should be accepted on the assumption that we must find a way of preserving it and making it available .
8 It is in this context that we must understand the reception of syncopated dance music in the early 1900s , of rock 'n' roll in the 1950s , and of punk in the late 1970s , as not only new but unnatural .
9 One of the most difficult things for modern parents is to remind ourselves that we must maintain a life of our own .
10 To this end , he argues that we must shun the temptation to think in terms of specifying conditions which guarantee knowledge , because this approach assumes a subject for whom it is guaranteed .
11 When I say we must accept " the general outline of Darwinian theory " I do not mean that we must accept the dogma of gradualism which Darwin felt to be crucial but which is now becoming increasingly suspect .
12 We wish to continue as a Direct Grant school in friendly co-operation with the local authorities , and we are prepared to be flexible in any new arrangements that we may be able to make together , but we feel that we must preserve the quality , traditions , and record of this School and keep faith with the benefactions of the past and present .
13 With Williams ' ( 1980 ) caveat that we must qualify the meaning of every term in the expression accepted , we can still best proceed if we understand that ‘ base determines superstructure ’ .
14 He also thinks that we must develop a culture that demands certain standards from all teachers and accords high status to the few who choose to develop their teaching skills further .
15 The increased qualified majority voting in the Council of Ministers , to which we have agreed in the treaty , means that we must have a way of keeping our national Parliaments better informed than they are at present .
16 Is he aware that the negotiations have been going on for five years , that we must have a replacement for the multi-fibre arrangement that will enable our textiles to penetrate the markets of countries which do not allow any textiles in and those with tariffs of 200 per cent. , and that even the United States has a tariff of 36 per cent .
17 I acknowledge that we must have an eye to the international experience , and our work internationally is to try to ensure that other countries , too , put up their premiums in a way that sensibly recognises the problems of such cover throughout the world .
18 personally an and from er and the rest and he , he 's gone to this area and he 's looked and he , he 's seen and he may have interpreted this , or wanted to interpret it so that when his report went back that the , he was saying that we must get a move on to the people in the Party saying that we need to get involved now , we need to be in all these areas , we need to be helping things develop and , and being a part at the front .
19 After a cursory examination , he turned to me and said that we must get the boy to hospital quickly .
20 It is at this point , in critical relation to some of the independent groups , that we must introduce the concept of the class fraction .
21 We tend to refer to the World Church as something outside our particular constituency and we must n't forget that we must own the World Church .
22 What I think we 're saying on this side of the house , I do n't know if we 're saying it loud enough or it 's going to have effect , is that we must reduce the number of rules and regulations , you do n't actually need the body which the honourable member 's talking about .
23 So we must consider the goose , any entremets he may have eaten .
24 He set out on the infamous traverse , then decided I was not up to it and we must engineer a retreat .
25 But we were conscious that an accounting system maintains the corporate financial information and we must protect the integrity of that information .
26 And we must protect the baby . ’
27 ‘ This latest resignation does not do any good at all and we must send a letter to headquarters to get details sent out as soon as possible , ’ said Ian Fraser , Dunecht .
28 The way for ecclesiastical expansion was prepared by conquest or marriage , and we must admire the consistency of effort with which , despite his other distractions , Anselm took advantage of the situation to press forward the authority of Canterbury in all areas .
29 The relationships are not always clear , and we must feel the puzzlement of the young child 's attempt to find his bearings in a world of hidden meanings .
30 Those are important and worthwhile projects , and we must ask the Government where the money for them will come from , especially if £1.4 billion is gobbled up by the proposals for King 's Cross .
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