Example sentences of "[conj] we [vb base] [be] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The saddest thing is that we 've been persuaded that true travellers know how to haggle .
2 But as I say I do n't necessarily want to get involved in too much of the detail of the statistics of it , I simply want to make the overall point that we 've been told that there are three thousand unemployed .
3 The West has simply ‘ rediscovered ’ in Africa ( despite the diversity and complexity of that continent 's cultures ) fundamental values that we imagine were lost or repressed in the high noon of civilization and progress : values like ‘ natural ’ well-being , spontaneity , conviviality , uninhibitedness , everything we long for and want to relearn in the 1980s .
4 A factor for some of us in so doing was the fact that we have been saddened and sickened at the supermarkets ' attitudes in exploiting the European difficulty .
5 The second point is that we have been told that we in Wales would return to the rates .
6 And we 've been told that we 'll only get between a nought and one point five percent increase at the most .
7 The charity is n't a ‘ Mickey Mouse ’ outfit by any means — our constitution is being verified by the Charity Commissioners at the moment , and we 've been informed that there 's no problem with being granted trust status .
8 ‘ For 30 years we have asked for it to be culverted and we have been promised that it will be done .
9 There is no way that the repairs will be completed on time , but we have been assured that the hall will be patched up and the festival will be running as planned . ’
10 Just because we have been born and brought up to something does n't mean we will always value it .
11 It is always hard to forgive people because forgiveness is often seen as a sign of weakness and we feel vulnerable enough after we have been hurt that we tend to build a wall between ourselves and those who have offended us , rather than to have the strength to forgive them and therefore become reconciled with them .
12 I do n't I thin I think there 's probably a lot lot less sexism just in terms of I think we 've won their respect by you know and and certainly when th they did n't want us to picket in the beginning , and then over the months really the women have done quite a lot of successful picketing when we 've been asked and and we 've staged quite big pickets quite a lot of you know the big pickets were really organized and the rallies have been organized by us and really sort of quite a lot of the input into into the strike I think has come from the women 's support group in in quite a unique way .
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