Example sentences of "[conj] we [modal v] be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Let's make tracks for Green 's or we 'll be late for supper .
2 ‘ Better clear up , I suppose , or we shall be late for school .
3 I agree with the hon. Member for Cardiff , North that , although we must be involved in protecting the environment nationally and internationally , in the end , it is a local issue , crucial to those whom we represent .
4 This may well extend our understanding of alliances on the larger scale ( Huggett forthcoming ) although we should be wary of assuming that the sources of the material are relevant to the question of alliances with all of England .
5 Although we should be wary of taking all such accounts at face value , since party feeling often ran sufficiently high amongst local inhabitants that little encouragement was needed for them to come to blows , such practices certainly did go on .
6 ( The differences in definitions adopted by different countries would not affect the broad pattern of international comparison , although we should be sceptical about small variations between countries . )
7 If the hon. Member for Oldham , West or I wrote to our local tax inspector and claimed that someone had put a form through our letterbox requiring only our signature for the taxation officer to open up our tax affairs for the past 30 years on the offchance that we might be entitled to something , that would be farcical .
8 " Do n't know whether he 's showing us the gun because he 's afraid of us , or so that we 'll be afraid of him . "
9 Let us pray today that we may be gentle with ourselves , guarding ourselves from relationships that might exploit us or be hurtful .
10 Much higher quality than the bioprinting rollers that we may be used to using .
11 It is accepting the lifestyle of Christ so that we may be usable for God 's glory .
12 In making them available under the terms of an existing contract , we made it clear that we would be concerned about early delivery to Argentina . ’
13 there 's a hundred thousand pounds worth of claims th then there are more fees that we would be entitled to .
14 Alex Stein has already been in touch with you , however I would formally confirm that we would be interested in such a publicity campaign for Council Tax at about the time bills are being issued in April .
15 It may go wider than this , but at the very least it shows that we must be cautious about blaming the draftsman .
16 This means that we must be aware of the microeconomic theories of consumer behaviour , of the firm , of public sector activity and of distribution .
17 It is the level of friendship that we must be realistic about .
18 I am sure that my right hon. Friend will agree that we should be grateful to the vast majority of staff who work in children 's homes and who deal daily with children who , almost by definition , are difficult and disturbed .
19 One of the conditions for ascribing to oneself experiences of a mind-independent reality , Kant argued , was that we should be capable of distinguishing between those sequences of perceptions ( if you like , ‘ representations delivered up by the input systems ’ ) which are determined by the movement of objects and those which are determined by our own movements .
20 Freud , in Civilization and its Discontents , advanced the profoundly historicist suggestion that we should be cautious about interpreting the miseries of earlier times , since what now looks like unacceptable suffering may have felt less so in a different culture .
21 Is not it important , especially in the economic negotiations , that the leading role of the International Monetary Fund is stressed , but that we should be cautious about the way in which the IMF responds to the various questions raised by members of the CIS ?
22 I think there are perhaps one or two who are very , very aware and are making their own life uncomfortable about it , but I think they 're so much in the minority that it 's the other lot that we should be worrying about .
23 It is unthinkable that we should be unconcerned about the difficulties that our disabled patients face : it is essential that we are better informed and respond to them more appropriately .
24 It 's no longer a voice of political disagreement even ; everyone knows that the rain forests should be saved , we all agree that racism is bad , fascism is not popular , communism is over , we all agree that we should be kinder to each other …
25 I think that we should be aware of what these levels
26 These widely differing national responses suggest that we should be wary of any attempt to explain the popularity of evolutionism in terms of the self-evident superiority of Darwin 's explanatory programme .
27 Its importance , however , is not that we know when doubt becomes unbelief ( for only God knows this and human attempts to say so can be cruel ) , but that we should be clear about where doubt leads to as it grows into unbelief .
28 If we are concerned with obtaining meaning from symbols and images , it follows that we should be concerned with this wide range of media .
29 The big issue for Scotland is the real fear that we will be subject to savage cuts in two or three years time . ’
30 Last month Trevor Goodall , team leader of the Turning Point project , told me , ‘ Bits of information on the community care changes are filtering through to us from social services , and we think that we will be involved in the assessment process .
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