Example sentences of "[conj] we [verb] back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly rain poured down , and although we hurried back to the house , we were quite wet when we arrived in the hall .
2 And it 's also important that we look back over the last ten years to how the N H S has been fundamentally changed as a consequence of Tory government policy towards it .
3 Well she 's got yes she got a she she sleeps in a in a special place but what she does is she 's got a rug erm we 've got a a rug in front of the fire here that we bought back from the States , and everything she finds that she likes she brings into the lounge and puts on the rug .
4 I , I , would it be , would it be erm , wrong of me to ask you say , grant up to five hundred pounds , and I go in and talk to him , so we come back with a council , with a scheme .
5 Erm , and I said to him you will help me wo n't you , you wo n't go back to me doing everything , oh lord he said , I 'll , I 'll do my share , so we went back to a routine , whereby I did , washing , ironing , cooking , cleaning , washing the car , mowing the lawn , doing the flower beds , and the doing the , he walked the dog .
6 That 's right , , it 's a , it 's a , so my mother and I said we 're going back to that hotel , you know , were very , very kind of luxury type , so we went back to the hotel and my brother and I went into the room where we had a television view on the sea , very beautiful .
7 Follow that philosophy and we go back to the days of the bland leading the bland .
8 George chuckled his way out of the horse car and we meandered back down the train together , George stopping to check for news with each sleeping-car attendant and to solve any problems .
9 I stuffed the Olympus inside my overalls and we jogged back across the Paddock , studiously ignoring the pillbox off to our left .
10 He agreed , and we went back to the ball .
11 And we went back to the home and got Camellia . ’
12 She snatched Buster from his play and we went back into the house where she held him close to her face , laughing as the big cat purred and arched himself ecstatically against her cheek .
13 My the boss said a few things under his breath , came down the steps and we went back into the van .
14 ‘ We were staying in a hotel in Maidstone and we went back for a meal , then later , about tennish , we sneaked back to see if there was anything going down .
15 In the late afternoon the weather cleared and we walked back to the youth hostel .
16 Benjamin linked his arm through mine and we walked back to the manor house .
17 Erm and we come back to the County 's wording which is , avoid conflict between mineral and non-mineral development .
18 And we come back on the thirteenth .
19 There we watched the rout of the dive-bombers , but the shrapnel pattered down again , and we drew back into the doorway .
20 Friendship is more important than mountaineering , and so for their sakes I told them they 'd done very well and we turned back to the prospect of a more leisurely Sunday afternoon , with colour supplements , cats , coffee and carpets to lie on .
21 But the ‘ mozzies ’ finally won the day and we retreated back to the safety of the ‘ bus ’ to lick our wounds and to hunt out our supplies of insect repellent !
22 Then she turned on her heel and we marched back down the hall .
23 They need a touch of resin he decides , but as he has none it will have to wait until we get back to the camp .
24 It wo n't be replaced until we get back to the premier league .
25 ‘ We came out here looking for a 100per cent record and I 'll be disappointed if we go back with a defeat , ’ said Llewellyn .
26 And er we could all get it wrong , and we could be in the E R M , i if we go back into the E R M then er you know if they stabilize interest rates across Europe er then we could be okay .
27 Okay has anybody else got anything more on that on that subject ? if we go back for a bit and just go back to the
28 If we go back to the LEA , there will be less money for pupils because the central bureaucracy will gobble it up , ’ says Graham Locke , head of Audenshaw , in the Manchester borough of Tameside . ’
29 What happens if we go back to the core , and have a really close look at what should be going on ?
30 If we go back to the private 's utterance ‘ I 've been scrubbing them all morning and they wo n't come any cleaner ’ , we can relate it to these three layers as follows :
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