Example sentences of "[conj] she give him [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She wanted to wound him as he was wounding her so she gave him a charming smile and said , ‘ How did you feel , Fernando , when Maria Luisa slid into your bed at that hour ? ’
2 He began to nibble the lobe of her ear and seemed lost for a moment until she gave him a little shake to encourage him to go on and explain .
3 That gained her immediate attention and she gave him a shocked look .
4 ‘ Is that your last word on the subject ? ’ he asked coolly , and she gave him a wintry smile .
5 His self-confidence almost swept her off her guard , but the narrowed black eyes were a warning , and she gave him a small , would-be pitying smile .
6 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ he said , and she gave him a watery smile .
7 And this wifey come out and she gave him a nasty talking to , chapping chapping on her door with a stick .
8 ‘ That 's right , ’ and she gave him a warm smile .
9 The woman 's face brightened up considerably and she gave him a sweet smile .
10 And she gave him a bleak little smile and put a plate of hot rolls on the table .
11 He chuckled and she gave him a light punch on the shoulder .
12 a Chinese girl she 's living in it , in a kind of a real dive of loft thing to do her art and she gives him the odd painting instead of paying rent .
13 What would Fen say if she gave him a truthful answer , told him that Hugh had done her a good turn , jilted her before she could make the most dreadful mistake of her life ?
14 She had been disappointed in her first sight of him , but she gave him an amused little smile , hoping that he was not one who doted on cats .
15 He greeted her very warmly and blushed in the sweetest way when she gave him a sisterly kiss .
16 Des O'Grady must have made some audacious remark to her in his broad Irish accent for she gave him a wide grin , showing her impeccable set of incisors .
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