Example sentences of "[conj] she have been [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The girl had been missing for what — a week ? — and off-hand he agreed with the local man 's judgement that she had been here for most of it .
2 Cassie shivered as she contemplated the knowledge that she had been here in this kitchen once before … or as near as made no difference .
3 Slowly she began to come back to reality , and realise that she had been entirely at his mercy .
4 It appeared that she 'd been right about Harry Martin 's being behind the attempts to intimidate her .
5 And she 'd been right about the red roses .
6 Aye , cos about six month ago there was a job come up in our office for like a trainee assistant manager type , well an assistant to an assistant manager kind of thing so I applied for it and another woman in the office applied for it cos she 's been here for like sixteen years or whatever .
7 It was worse , in fact , than if she had been obviously of a more humble station , for a gentlewoman in her circumstances was instantly under suspicion of a fall from respectability .
8 Nobody 's gon na tell if she 's been here since five .
9 She had n't known Mark very well , but she had been there for Robyn when he had died , seen the agony that her friend had gone through .
10 The trapped feeling must have been because she had been indoors for a long time .
11 I 'd seen no sign of Mala , but I had n't expected it , since she 'd been right about us being less obvious if we were apart .
12 There were so many more than when she had been here with Morthen .
13 With his assistance she could return to that blessed , wondrous world of — when had it been ? — an hour ago , before disaster had fallen upon her , when she had been blissfully on her way to pin Miss Dallam into the dress that would make both their reputations in Frizingley for elegance .
14 When she had been there for about six weeks she received the Medical Superintendent 's recommendation for her bravery .
15 When she 'd been right round the edges of the roof and gathered all the flowers into a bunch , she climbed down the ladder and began to walk along the back path out of the village .
16 She may also use it as a greeting when she has been away from the kittens for a while .
17 David had been right when he 'd said that Rachel knew the whereabouts of Brooklands , for she had been there with her parents and her sister shortly after David and Jennifer 's engagement had been announced .
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