Example sentences of "[conj] she have [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Lady Cross , 73 , the wife of the war hero Air Chief Marshal Sir Kenneth Cross , was repeatedly struck with antique fire irons in the shop in Pimlico , south London , where she had worked part-time for ten years .
2 Either he had to go up to the Broken Hill Ironworks at Newcastle or she had to go down to Canberra to see some official about tariffs or quotas or immigration levels .
3 Either that or she 's run out of schools to send him to .
4 As such , he or she has to work closely with the creative people and with media : in some agencies this includes the media planning , too .
5 Although she had run out of steam and no longer cared whether she lived or died , there was no way she was going to give up .
6 And , although she had come up with the idea of a visit to Oxford very much on the spur of the moment , it was n't a bad one .
7 Then , three months ago , he had suggested that she had done enough for himself and the boys .
8 She knew it would wound his dignity that he had been forced to skulk abroad while she had saved the firm — never mind that she had done so in the most unbusinesslike and outrageous manner .
9 The source says : ‘ She went on to say that she had done more for the Royal Family than any of its other members .
10 She wore her hair squeezed up into a ballooning Afro by the same red bandana that she had worn down on the dock the first time Trent had seen her .
11 Of course ; he did n't know that she had stood there in the darkness and listened to the proofs of his betrayal .
12 He had watched until the night nurse had left the office and now he was as sure as he could be that she had gone below for a meal .
13 It was this ruthless clarity and brightness that she had run away from .
14 After two years her owner felt that she had run out of options : Anna was a horse without a future : she could never be a riding horse , nor would she ever breed .
15 Only George knew that she had run off to Brighton with a salesman , but his mother had guessed as much and beaten her daughter 's whereabouts out of him with a belt .
16 Thus , when Remedios the Beauty disappears , the narrative records the fact that outsiders were of the opinion that she had run off with a man and that the story of her ascent into heaven was an invention of her family to cover up the scandal .
17 This is how it would often be now that she had cast off in her own little ship of independence .
18 And the teacher , too , might have made the same terrible mistake that she had made back in Teheran all those years before .
19 Far too late , Jessamy realised that she had tumbled straight into a trap .
20 Marion whispered and turned away because she could n't bear to be there when something died , when all the love that she had bottled up inside herself evaporated like liquid left out in the sun .
21 Now he would know that she had rushed out of the solar , half dressed , to find him .
22 Bland little symbols were only mirrors of colour and shape that she had to push around into the order her teachers wanted .
23 She was like the photographs of Hollywood film stars that she had seen once in an old copy of Picturegoer .
24 She disappeared last weekend , sparking a joke from Australia 's Foreign Minister Gareth Evans that she had ended up on the dinner table of Chinese dictator Deng Xiaoping .
25 It seemed rather typical of her luck that she had ended up with the wrong sort of cat , and she could n't help wondering if Miss Hardbroom had made sure that the misfit kitten had been given to Mildred , rather than someone like Ethel .
26 Matthew wondered whether it was simply a lucky draw from the gene pool that she had ended up with such spectacular looks , or was it the result of years of careful nurturing ?
27 The governor 's pet was found by joggers after fears that she had ended up in a Chinese meal .
28 ‘ And you should watch that tongue , Margaret Howard , ’ Richie rasped , glaring at her now that she had hit unerringly at his weak spot .
29 He could sense that she had travelled far as a vagrant and had seen much and that like him she was in some way returning home .
30 He thought it a great feat that she had got in from the Point in an hour and a quarter .
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