Example sentences of "[conj] she [vb -s] [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although every parent has the right in the fullness of time to decide whether he or she feels they can cope with their child , they can not be placed in a position of absolute power over its life if they have an extremely misleading impression of the form that that child 's life might take .
2 Twenty-six-year-old Yasmin says it took about a year and a great deal of hard work to get her figure back into shape , so she knows she 'll have a hard task in front of her after the birth of her second baby .
3 " And she thinks you should go home ? "
4 I tell Marie I 'd like some gloves cos I lost mine , and she says we 'll have a look and see if there 's any good cheap ones .
5 And she says she 'll carry on with her business .
6 And she says she 'll try and phone me up , but I reckon she does n't even er I sa ask her mum .
7 and she says I 'll keep it till the week after
8 Yes because er they 'd found these stray dogs and she says I 'll look after her and then she sang a song t to my dog .
9 and it takes these batteries and everything and she says I 'll pick them up eleven cock , o'clock on Friday
10 It is the 27-year-old Hampshire rider 's first important outing with him since his recovery and she hopes he can re-discover the touch which brought the 10-year-old chestnut gelding his one major success in the Blenheim Event three years ago .
11 If somebody goes up their path and she barks you can hear it !
12 For example if I am in my late fifties and I have a mother in her early eighties and she dies I will grieve for her .
13 I mean , I ca n't think where else she 's gone and she knows she 'll get into the most dreadful trouble if she turns up now without a good excuse . ’
14 All three of us are grinning like it 's an idiot 's birthday party , but she keeps an eye on me like she thinks I may have a relapse any minute .
15 What if she decides she would like to go to the cottage ? ’
16 My mum 's the sort of person who 'll just argue with anything , if she thinks she 'll argue with anybody , or anything if she thinks that she 's being swindled , so like , she even went to the extent of having , they , we had an extension built , right , and she , we had it , only fair 's fair , this one particular suite , we had erm , and they , they had this absolutely massive bathroom built , okay not specifically to have a nicer bathroom , but to have a very big room and erm , so they had two sinks , this sounds real extravagant , erm ,
17 Ask your child if she thinks it will float or sink .
18 A good hairdresser will tell you a ) if she thinks it will suit you or not and b ) if it will actually work on your hair type .
19 If she does she will need them to love her and to understand .
20 Well if she does she can have the children taken off her !
21 is , is if she tries she can make it quiet in there
22 I jumped over the other side of the wall , so if she jumps she 'd have
23 She lost the fingers of one hand in the accident but she admits it could have been a lot worse .
24 She know women in the show are called the beach blonde bimbos , but she thinks she will have fun with her character .
25 just the same oh she bought a new pattern , but she says you can have that , it 's only plain so
26 She is so loyal ; but she knows she can speak to me .
27 She wants to take biscuits from the kitchen but she does n't because she knows she will get into trouble .
28 Repetition is likewise the musician practising her scales until she can be consistent every time , so that while she performs she can think about the music itself rather than the individual notes .
29 Forever while she breathes I 'll go and see and fetch some water , will you come ?
30 For when she turns I shall see that she is unhappy and I shall be powerless to cheer her up .
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