Example sentences of "[conj] she [was/were] [v-ing] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Should she join the group of young vets who had qualified with her two years ago or should she go straight back to her godmother 's house , where she was staying for the duration of this annual veterinary congress ?
2 She grew up associating ‘ love ’ with an emotional roller-coaster , and although she was looking for a long-term partner , Deborah quickly became bored and dissatisfied in a stable relationship .
3 When he asked her why , she shyly confessed that she was pining for the snows of her native land .
4 Having signed on and said that she was looking for a job as a research scientist , she was advised that she should think again .
5 Later in the morning we were able to confirm that she was heading for a port in Southern Ireland .
6 By the way her mother fiddled with the handle of her wicker basket Constance could tell that she was longing for the bus to come and take her to Chollerton where her beauty and style might stand some chance of being noticed .
7 And , oh I did n't tell you this either that she was going for a promotion !
8 I was playing jackstones in the street when Nelly Mitchell ran up with the news that she was going for the midwife .
9 It dawned on Folly that she was waiting for a tip and , gathering what she could of her wits , she struggled out of bed to delve in her handbag .
10 So she jumped up , grabbed the pencil and everything , she got a screwdriver first , I thought she were gon na stab me with screwdriver and she were looking for a pencil
11 And she was going for an interview for a new job tomorrow . ’
12 It was a young female golden eagle , and she was going for the carrion he had left .
13 They fell silent for a moment , all of them wondering if she was shopping for the son who was lying in a dissecting trench at the Medico-Legal Institute .
14 She was often offered lifts , but when she said , thank you , but she was going for a walk , a pitying expression spread over the faces of the drivers .
15 There was no time to get you because she was making for the gate . ’
16 Her second child was born during her time at Somerville while she was studying for an M. Phil in Social Anthropology , and she describes ‘ the time when Mrs Indira Gandhi was awarded the Hon.
17 She sent them sweets sometimes , and several pairs of red socks she had knitted while she was waiting for a call at the ambulance station , and a photograph of herself in her uniform with a tin hat on .
18 While she was waiting for the computer to do whatever it had to do , she rested her elbows on the counter with her back to it and the man next to her said in a heavy voice , ‘ Are you an actress ? ’
19 It kept her going , especially when she was angling for the notice of the one man who , after giving her dinner on the way back from Bovington , had treated her with only a lighthearted pleasant banter whenever they met .
20 Well , at about half-seven he 'd gone into a restaurant in St Giles ‘ , Browns ; had a nice steak , with a bottle of red wine ; left at about half-nine — and was strolling down to The Randolph when he 'd met Mrs Sheila Williams , just outside the Taylorian , as she was making for the taxi-rank .
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