Example sentences of "[conj] she [modal v] like [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 A young reader would perhaps define an attractive author as one with whom he or she would like to spend a day .
2 Harriet also said that she would like to arrange a private christening at the little chapel on the top of the cliffs on the other side of the bay .
3 With those children now at secondary school she wanted to restart her career and decided that she would like to become a dental hygienist .
4 She began to feel that she would like to become a Roman Catholic , partly to frighten her mother , who was one of the pioneer Christian Scientists in England , and partly because the rigorousness of the experience attracted her .
5 She had hated the pity she thought that she saw in her mama and papa 's eyes , and when her papa had suggested that she might like to spend a year in London with her Uncle Orrin , be presented at court , meet his old friend the Prince of Wales , now King Edward VII , again , she had agreed with alacrity — she , who had hated being parted from her mama and papa .
6 She listened to his calm voice explaining that he was not available and if she would like to leave a message … but the message she would like to have left was far too complicated , so she rang off without saying anything .
7 Elizabeth was also asked if she would like to make a list of what she does not like about community living but could not think of anything for the moment .
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