Example sentences of "[conj] she [modal v] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 She may have wings , or she may ride in a chariot drawn by wild animals .
2 If the covert researcher is not to arouse suspicion , then he or she must behave like a believer , not stepping out of line by questioning or exhibiting too much curiosity about the functioning of the organisation .
3 Instead of a young person being sentenced to a period in custody , which means that it is all too likely that he or she will continue in a life of crime , become a professional criminal and never get out of the criminal world , the alternative makes both moral and economic sense .
4 or he or she could start with a Viking place name or a reference to a Viking raid in their own area .
5 Many families often feel that assisting the child to reinforce his or her identity in terms of colour and ethnicity will probably render the child unable to form a healthy attachment to them ; the child may feel that he or she should belong to a black family .
6 Although he always sent her out with new clothes that should have made her embody his idea of elegance , he was resigned to the fact that she would return in a version far removed from his original concept .
7 And the typing college was a come down , I can tell you , from his idea that she would go into a profession ; he 'd even thought of university .
8 This meant that Mrs. Bernadette McAliskey ( nee Devlin ) could not take part though she had earlier indicated that she would stand as a candidate in Mid-Ulster .
9 The Swedish Prime Minister , Carl Bildt , justly complained that ‘ membership has unspecified potential obligations ’ , and that Sweden thus could not be expected to make binding assurances that she would participate in a common defence policy which has not yet been defined .
10 She held on and held on , but her arms were getting tired and she knew that she would fall in a minute .
11 That is why if Jill knowingly leads Jim to expect that she will behave in a certain way she bears a responsibility to prevent harm to Jim as a result of this reliance , and so on .
12 It makes no sense at all to tell an attractive transsexual employed as a secretary , possessed of all the necessary documentation of her sex change and all the physical attributes of her new sex — breasts , female figure , and vagina ( albeit a constructed one ) — that she can pass as a woman , but can not be raped because she is a man .
13 Det Sgt Stimpson said : ‘ She searches him every time he comes home or goes out , and she keeps his bedroom bare of the usual toys and clutter so that she can see at a glance whether he has hidden any stolen property . ’
14 It had taken their combined savings to make the down payment on a house in overcrowded Tollemarche and Isobel had declared that she could manage without a car .
15 Harriet drove her to the local hospital as soon as the pains started in mid-afternoon and , knowing how hazardous the road back in the dark could be at this time of the year , brought an overnight bag so that she could stay at a nearby hotel .
16 We soon discovered , not surprisingly , that she could cope with a curry far hotter than we could eat .
17 She still felt a bit wobbly on her legs and she knew too that she could do with a holiday .
18 The fact that she could swear like a trooper and at one point told a nurse that I was a security guard escaping from a hijack attempt , also helped .
19 He did n't know whether to wake her , or even if that was possible if her sleep was so deep that she could crouch in a corner , weeping , and not wake herself .
20 It was made all the more infuriating by the fact that she had dressed with more than usual care , splashing out far more than she could afford on a red silk jersey creation from an expensive boutique .
21 Her mother 's moodswings began to terrify her , and she would slow to a careful frozen walk as she turned into their street .
22 ‘ That 's what you would do , I suppose , but Garry 's wife is one of those women who think they have an ideal marriage , and she would go into a decline at the very mention of another woman , so Garry is presenting her with concrete evidence that their marriage is over . ’
23 He thought he could simply invite her to sleep with him and she would obey like a lunatic .
24 She would never be ill and she would live to a very old age .
25 She will work with the Allied Screening Commission which is part of M.I.9 , and she will live with a charming couple , Signor and Signora Banterle .
26 She should be the centre of social life abhorred and dominant , and she should sit like a great spider behind the curtains of the Garden Room , spying on her friends , and I knew that her name must be Elizabeth Mapp .
27 ‘ The next day she would always phone to say that she had been in and she 'd pick on a few things that she was n't quite happy with . ’
28 To her mind , Lucy looked like she could do with a huge warm hug .
29 Jack called Sandra and asked if she would appear in a Corman film that weekend .
30 Well you never know , Vic might even phone if she can get near a phone .
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