Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] back into [art] " in BNC.

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1 She was all but out of the door on her way to Oxford Street when , incredibly , she found herself shaking , so much so that she went back into the tiny bedroom and lay down .
2 Faye understood now too , and she sank back into the reclining lounge chair with a gesture of despair .
3 If she walked back into the laboratory Jason would engineer a scene .
4 He tried to do it now , but she dodged back into a corner .
5 I told her I needed to speak to Charlie , and was n't surprised to be left standing on the doorstep while she disappeared back into the house .
6 Myra watched them go , a happy smile on her face , before she turned back into the dressing-room to swathe the wedding gown in its covers .
7 When she came back into the house , her dress was wet through .
8 When she came back into the office Dexter sat comatose , his eyelids drawn down like the venetian blinds , the only sign of wakefulness his fingers flicking absentmindedly through the pages of a gay magazine he had hidden inside one on gardening .
9 When she went back into the house her aunt was busy with the last meal she would prepare for her family .
10 The clear day stretched before her ; when she walked back into the house her day would be filled .
11 Jack was just arriving as she walked back into the department , and a police car drew up with the still-hysterical mother inside .
12 She blinked as she stepped back into the office , closing her eyes against the sudden change of light .
13 She smoothed her hair and straightened the shoulder-straps of her black camisole , then with an effort composed her face into an expression of detached amusement as she went back into the other room .
14 She was still smiling as she got back into the car and headed for town .
15 Marguerite looked a trifle anxiously at Jenna as she came back into the room .
16 As she stumbled back into the corridor Alexander disengaged himself from the embrace of the dark-haired woman .
17 ‘ I 've gained another four hundred grammes this week , ’ Faye told Belinda as she settled back into the semi-reclined passenger-seat of the Saab , while Belinda herself was at the wheel .
18 So much for security , Ruth mused as she leapt back into the jeep and drove up the long gravelly drive ; I could be a burglar for all he knew .
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