Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] go to the " in BNC.

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1 Never remove any clothes that have stuck to the skin and do not give the child anything to drink in case he or she has to go to the operating theatre .
2 The women 's stories and miseries haunted her , filled her dreams ; the desperation of their situations made Carolyn herself feel trapped and frantic , so that she dreaded going to the Refuge and was tongue-tied when her help was most needed .
3 Many of the protesters , together with much of the black press , attempted to publicise the jogger 's name and to vilify her character , claiming variously that she had never been attacked , that she had been raped by her white boyfriend , or that she had gone to the park in search of sexual adventure .
4 Would n't Veronica think it suspicious that she had gone to the lengths of calling two days running ?
5 But two cars took her out against and they believe that she 's gone to the airport and they did n't know where where she was excised .
6 She made it clear ( I do n't remember how ) that she wanted to go to the back of the house , to the kitchen .
7 We told her that once she started going to the loo every time .
8 And she had went to the carnival .
9 She 's still convinced Joseph killed her and she means to go to the police and say so . ’
10 Harriet plucks me by the sleeve and whispers , ‘ Mummy , what will Tracey 's Gran do now she 's dead , if she wants to go to the loo ? ’
11 She said no , she said , he told her if she wanted to go to the expense of a wig , she could get a wig and she wear it when she went out , but when she comes in the house she must take it off , she must not wear that wig
12 But she 's gone to the pub .
13 One of the middle-aged women who kept the shop had ordered a set of posters about the Paris rising of May 1968 , because she had gone to the Sorbonne to study when she was a girl .
14 This she took with her in the trap when she left to go to the market .
15 The police are very unwilling to interfere in family matters and apparently when she threatened to go to the police whatever he told her he would say to them if she did report her daughter missing convinced her it would be useless for her to take such action .
16 Yeah , but I mean even , even so , she , she has met him once before and she must of seen him when she 's gone to the house for him to kidnap her .
17 She has just under £1 billion to spend and when she wants to go to the zoo she can chose between the two Christina and her husband Thierry bought for her .
18 Land is fairly cheap and , as she decides to go to the Development Area in Cornwall , the government grants will help to pay for the factory building and its machinery .
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