Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] [pron] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So where she fill it up from ?
2 No , my guess is that he or she hid it somewhere in the undergrowth .
3 Although she put them firmly into the category of ‘ workers ’ , rather than ‘ idlers ’ , and therefore to be praised , they were not quite on a par with the Welsh factory workers , or designers ; nonetheless they stood on a higher plane than accountants , clerks or corporate planners .
4 Pauline , who always had back problems , felt so sorry for the little mare that she took her over from Jackie .
5 And do n't forget , Joe was with me , and you know how careful he is. lee was at the party and one of the maids told me that she took him out of the party and spoke to him for a few minutes .
6 On the night before , did n't Arabella say that she took him out to Primrose Hill in the morning ?
7 It was then , when it came to her that Vendelin Gajdusek was heady stuff , that she took herself severely to task .
8 And if she did come in she always made sure that she had somebody else with her .
9 That possibly meant that she had something else on this weekend .
10 so that she desired herself alone in order to become androgynous .
11 I remember Otto mentioning that she entertained him there with Jean-Claude , and only later moved out into a room over the Café du Coin , to be nearer her ‘ young man ’ .
12 Whatever it was , I could no longer complain that she treated me more like a brother than a lover .
13 All too soon it was time to go and it was almost reluctantly that she drove him back to Brooklands .
14 She was sent the script for one of the episodes — she has never said by whom — and was so enraged by one scene in which the councillor was to have been seen leaving a prostitute 's room doing up his trousers , that she sent it straight to the Postmaster General , the Minister responsible .
15 For reasons set out in earlier reports and in statements ( IG 16–19 ) concerning her car , abandoned in Exeter station car-park , it is possible , even likely , that she met someone there by arrangement …
16 Compared Janet NcCalman alledged charmer and being questioned as to her using of charms confessed that she used one charm for Causing Cows bull ( called eelis dhair ) which she practices by expressing some words over water and that she gave it particularly to one NcAbhrionid in Balulise .
17 Compared Janet NcCalman alledged charmer and being questioned as to her using of charms confessed that she used one charm for Causing Cows bull ( called eelis dhair ) which she practices by expressing some words over water and that she gave it particularly to one NcAbhrionid in Balulise .
18 She began to take a different route so that she approached her home from the other end of Magdalen Street and avoided a meeting with John .
19 It was a victory for her each time that she wrested him away from his desk and his teleprinter and his uniform .
20 Lyn took one of the gravel paths into the grounds of the general hospital , walking towards the sun that dazzled her eyes so that she screwed them up against it .
21 Not that she wanted him here in bed with her , of course , she told herself quickly .
22 All she knew was that she wanted him out of her flat — and out of her life — before he managed to do any more harm .
23 So if our mum had cut it up into twelve pieces and then only three people wanted pizza so she cut it up into twelve twelfths and then said who wants pizza and only three people wanted pizza she 'd now have to put some of these twelfths back together again then and just three of us how many twelfths would we get ?
24 This story was a favourite of the headmistress of her primary school , so she heard it often at Morning Prayers , and long before she could see it as a parable , she already felt shock before its injustice .
25 The wife does n't know it , so she passes it on to her husband .
26 Only those thoughts were too uncomfortable to contemplate so she pushed them back into her mind .
27 Even so she found it impossible to keep her mind properly on her own problems when he continued to look at her like that , so she picked him up on one niggling point that continued to irritate her .
28 They were not yet dry but she had no others apart from her best ones , so she pulled them on over the warm , dry woollen stockings into which she had changed upon coming in from the buildings .
29 She preferred to use vagina — until she looked it up in the dictionary , which gave its etymology ( vagina is Latin for ‘ sheath ’ , as in where you keep your sword ) .
30 His reaction was to allow a harsh laugh to escape him , until she struck him hard on the jaw ; then his laughter changed in a flash and he grabbed hold of first one fist , then two , holding them easily in one hand while be brought up his free hand and cupped her chin in it .
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