Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] [adv prt] an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After she completed her degree course , they moved to the United States , where she took up an appointment as an instructor in English at Smith College .
2 Susan was thrown out of her chair and , although she put out an arm to break the fall , landed heavily on a floor .
3 Those who break the law face up to two years in jail , although a pregnant women herself is exempt , even if she carries out an abortion on herself .
4 The girl , who had started her paper round to earn money for Chrismas presents , was grabbed as she walked along an alleyway after finishing her Saturday morning deliveries .
5 As she stretched out an arm to switch off the light she saw , on the marble-topped bedside table , the book which had been open on the bedcover when she had first visited the house .
6 The attacker went up to the woman as she rode around an area of the south London Common known as the arena , blocking her path when she tried to leave and twice attempting to pull her from her horse .
7 Her eyes widened as she took on an air of great sadness .
8 Hardly able to see a hand in front of her , but refusing to be daunted , Luce moved as fast as she dared down an alley-way little more than a metre wide .
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