Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Either that or she 's run out of schools to send him to .
2 Although she had run out of steam and no longer cared whether she lived or died , there was no way she was going to give up .
3 And , although she had come up with the idea of a visit to Oxford very much on the spur of the moment , it was n't a bad one .
4 After all , it had n't really been her fault that she became mixed up in Jack 's business affairs .
5 The Walks were forbidden to the villagers and in the final few weeks of pregnancy , Tamar spent much of her time strolling there , in such complete seclusion that she felt cut off from civilisation .
6 She wore her hair squeezed up into a ballooning Afro by the same red bandana that she had worn down on the dock the first time Trent had seen her .
7 After two years her owner felt that she had run out of options : Anna was a horse without a future : she could never be a riding horse , nor would she ever breed .
8 Only George knew that she had run off to Brighton with a salesman , but his mother had guessed as much and beaten her daughter 's whereabouts out of him with a belt .
9 Thus , when Remedios the Beauty disappears , the narrative records the fact that outsiders were of the opinion that she had run off with a man and that the story of her ascent into heaven was an invention of her family to cover up the scandal .
10 This is how it would often be now that she had cast off in her own little ship of independence .
11 And the teacher , too , might have made the same terrible mistake that she had made back in Teheran all those years before .
12 Marion whispered and turned away because she could n't bear to be there when something died , when all the love that she had bottled up inside herself evaporated like liquid left out in the sun .
13 Now he would know that she had rushed out of the solar , half dressed , to find him .
14 She disappeared last weekend , sparking a joke from Australia 's Foreign Minister Gareth Evans that she had ended up on the dinner table of Chinese dictator Deng Xiaoping .
15 It seemed rather typical of her luck that she had ended up with the wrong sort of cat , and she could n't help wondering if Miss Hardbroom had made sure that the misfit kitten had been given to Mildred , rather than someone like Ethel .
16 Matthew wondered whether it was simply a lucky draw from the gene pool that she had ended up with such spectacular looks , or was it the result of years of careful nurturing ?
17 The governor 's pet was found by joggers after fears that she had ended up in a Chinese meal .
18 He thought it a great feat that she had got in from the Point in an hour and a quarter .
19 Then as he turned towards her the overhead lights that she had switched on to look through her dresses shone directly onto his face and she noticed how pale and drawn he looked , lines that were usually unnoticeable etched between nose and mouth , eyes almost feverishly bright .
20 At first he had assumed that she had climbed down to the lower deck and gone forward .
21 Maureen Randall , who led the protest group Combwich Residents Environmental Concern with her husband John , said at the end of the inquiry that she had started off with ‘ no particular views on nuclear power ’ .
22 She was still wearing the ugly straw that she had put on for morning church .
23 She could remember vividly the first time she had tried dope , the day that she had found out about her mother 's affair from one of her classmates .
24 So everything 's there , printing presses repro separation houses , sheet film , computer set up and Apple Macs and everything is there , it 's actually a very impressive set up erm , the Queen Margaret 's course , I 'm slightly dubious about I once had a colleague I 'm going back a decade who had been employed on the basis of doing the communications course at Queen Margaret I think , and it turned out that it was n't communications as we understood it , it was n't our sort of communications P R newspapers and things like that , it was communications on a much broader , broader front so it did n't actually fit in to the world of P R and what happened was I then had to sit down and train this woman from scratch and get rid of a lot of the preconceived notions that she had come in with she had brought from Queen Margaret 's College .
25 that she 'd chummed about with had written to her
26 Close-to and without their performance wigs , these two hardly seemed to connect with anyone that she 'd seen out on the stage less than an hour before ; then they 'd been all front , carnival vamps , not so much real human beings as fantasy figures with hidden human operators .
27 Strange that David should be coming along at that very moment that she 'd emerged on to the main road .
28 So then this fellow comes to the phone , obviously his missus had entered it and he did n't have a bloody clue that she 'd gone in for it and he 'd just come home from work and er Annika Rice there , saying oh where is she ?
29 All of her sweet , loving nature that she 'd turned in on herself , waiting for this one moment in her life , this moment of truth , and it had all been for nothing .
30 At first I 'd thought that Kāli was joking , that she 'd sneaked up behind me , snatched the karaso and hidden it up her skirt or behind a tree .
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