Example sentences of "[conj] were [v-ing] [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She 'd make anything go , ’ the girl said , a second after reading a paragraph on the front page of Variety about two big London managements — no mention of him — that were bidding against each other for the show .
2 The House will recall that in the latter part of last year both my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer and my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State outlined measures to be taken by both the Government and mortgage lenders with the excellent aim of reducing the level of repossessions that were occurring at that time .
3 The BBC is seen by Mrs Whitehouse as not only reflecting the changes that were occurring in that period , but also as actively encouraging or even precipitating them .
4 It is not likely that an organisation would embrace two plans that were pulling against each other .
5 Mr Rusk replied that the inference that the United States had decided to abandon the Republic of Korea to its enemies was scarcely warranted in the light of the substantial material aid and political support which we had furnished and were furnishing to that Republic .
6 There is reason to think they were also feeling the loss of their carriers that June at the battle of Midway , and were looking for more land bases for aircraft .
7 For the next hour the fairground gradually filled with people , mainly families with young children or teenagers who had become bored with their tour round the factory and were looking for some excitement .
8 We did n't expect it to last as long as it has , and were hoping for some relief by the end of the year .
9 Police now considered the case a murder inquiry and were appealing for any information that would lead to the killer .
10 Middlesbrough , however , had taken the sting out of Leicester and were playing with more confidence and control at this stage .
11 They 'd left their aches and pains at the door and were smiling into each other 's eyes .
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