Example sentences of "[conj] were [vb pp] with [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Much of my activity was directed to firm advice to the Prime Minister and various other ministers to ignore scurrilous communications that were received with great frequency .
2 In other moods she would go to bed for days , and have trays sent up to her room that were laden with stingy nursery snacks of mashed fish and junket .
3 Interestingly , it does feed into some of the later ideas that were associated with computational modelling , I E using computers to recognise objects on model processes , in particular perceptual ones .
4 We visited Anguilla in the winter season which runs from December 15 to March 31 and were blessed with beautiful sunshine and very few tourists .
5 Both had been arrested and were charged with serious terrorist offences , of which I was sure they were totally innocent ; although I was equally sure that they had engaged in active political propaganda , which in some ways would have been no less objectionable to the South African government .
6 Before he reached it he was aware that Julian 's eyes had shortened their focus , and were fixed with sharp intelligence upon his face .
7 er to raise two matters or comments rather than matters erm seating er , new cushions have now been purchased and were used with great success at the October production and Alan has asked whether there are any comments we can draw about the success or otherwise of the October production and whether the experiment is worth continuing . ?
8 ( 1978 ) and observed on satellite images by Lyons and Dooley ( 1978 ) covered vast areas of the north-eastern USA and were associated with polluted air mass advection from the Midwest .
9 In this way all the procedures were short in duration and were performed with minimal sedation .
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