Example sentences of "[conj] were [adv] [verb] back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The almost innumerable Goblins ravaged a large tract of Yvresse and were barely turned back at Tor Yvresse by the heroic efforts of Eltharion .
2 Unfortunately , some of the patients could not return for frequent follow up visits to our clinic because of distance and also health care costs and were therefore referred back with our treatment plan to their own physicians .
3 Five ( 6% ) prompted patients changed their minds about accepting prompting and were subsequently transferred back to hospital outpatients .
4 Staff tried to put the fire out themselves , but were soon driven back by the intense heat and thick smoke given off from burning tyres .
5 It appeared that the TPLF initially made gains in Gondar , Wollo and Shoa provinces , but were then driven back by government troops , aided by some local inhabitants .
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