Example sentences of "[conj] which have [adv] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Likewise , a command enjoining some action which was logically impossible , or which had already been carried out , or a lie that through ignorance on the part of the perpetrator turned out to be objectively true , can both be considered defective through the lack of a canonical trait .
2 ( *indicates a piece of language which is not used or which has not been recorded . )
3 It is clearly related to learning , but whereas learning is a matter of accepting and understanding ideas which others have already promulgated , scientific discovery involves the acceptance and understanding of ideas which have not occurred to others , or which have not been published by others .
4 The ANC , however , declared that it would not be deterred by a government whichit considered illegitimate and which had not been recognized by the rest of the world .
5 This solution , which he regarded as amongst the most valuable and characteristic of all his works ( Hume 1981 p 165 ) and which had originally been suggested to him by his brother as the plan for a large house to be occupied by workmen ( Stephen , 1900 p 201 ) , he published in pamphlets entitled Panopticon or the Inspection House and Panopticon Postscripts Parts 1 and 11 .
6 Clause 74 provides for the valuation bands into which dwellings are to be placed and which have already been described in the Domestic Property ( Valuation ) ( Scotland ) Regulations 1991 .
7 The process of editing will take account of the other papers left by Miss Lister , including the vast number of letters which she left and which have already been calendered and partly transcribed .
8 The natural conclusion , then , is that the basic body plans of the different phyla represent structures which adapted some ancestral form to a particular way of life , and which have since been modified to serve different functions .
9 The Commissioners take considerable trouble to ensure that all relevant arguments are canvassed in the written case , and will invite observations on issues which appear to be relevant and which have not been raised in the written case .
10 Do n't fail to mention previous letters you have written and which have n't been answered .
11 What follows are the most reliable facts which his early biographies ( John Aiken , 1792 and James Baldwin Brown , 1823 ) provided and which have subsequently been checked and accepted , as far as possible , from his own works and from later accounts .
12 Babel 's bad times could be turned into art — an art which has been seen to release him , as it were , from his subject , and which has also been seen to hesitate .
13 If , on the other hand the conscience demands the rejection of a proposed action which has been incorporated into the Created God , and which has not been classified as evil , and is therefore acceptable behaviour , then that is the effect of a guilt complex .
14 I stress again that where there has been unlawful subletting which has determined ( and which has not been waived ) there has been a breach which at common law entitles the lessor to re-enter : nothing can be done to remedy that breach : the expiry of the subterm has not been annulled or remedied the breach : in such a case the lessor plainly need not , in his section 146 notice , call upon the lessee to remedy the breach which is not capable of remedy , and is free to issue his writ for possession , the possibility of relief remaining .
15 So too with the body clock : it might be that several outputs with different periods are possible and that we tend to concentrate upon the daily or circadian clock because this is the period that is most useful to the organism and which has naturally been accentuated by the environment with its 24-hour period .
16 The object of the Institution is , to reform , and bring into a regular system , that important branch of medicine which regards the treatment of diseases incidental to horses and other cattle , and which has hitherto been neglected and much abused in this country …
17 The materials which eventually evolved from this study include a questionnaire devised by the group and which has subsequently been used as a basis for further in-service training sessions in their schools .
18 Another factor which has reinforced this and which has hardly been remarked on in this context is the telephone .
19 They may stem from either non-financial objectives or factors which might be quantified in money terms , but which have not been quantified , because there is insufficient information to make reliable estimates .
20 There will be broad scholarly interest simply in seeing the whole thing together and in reuniting certain pairs or groups of paintings which were conceived together but which have not been seen together in the past .
21 Finally , there are other potentially important ways in which the polar ozone destruction mechanism may be perturbed in future but which have not been considered here .
22 There are some changes which one might have expected , but which have not been introduced .
23 This means that many mergers for which there have been no demonstrable advantages , but which have not been found to be overtly anti-competitive , have been allowed through , and thus contributed to the general increase in industrial concentration .
24 Mail relating to the mail messages for the current user , the New figure shows the number of unread mail messages and the Old figure shows the number of mail messages which are still retained in LIFESPAN but which have already been printed or read by the user .
25 — relating to the mail messages for the current user , the New figure shows the number of unread mail messages and the Old figure shows the number of mail messages which are still retained in LIFESPAN but which have already been printed or read by the user , eg. 13 new messages and 1 old message .
26 ‘ But as you so clearly realize , scientists have many times created tools that can be used for good , but which have then been perverted to evil use .
27 I think particularly of consultation on change , which must take place under the social charter but which has not been observed .
28 The Sinhalese wedding case also has general value because it provides an exceptionally clear example of the three-phase structure of rites of passage first recognized by Hertz and Van Gennep around 1908 but which has subsequently been shown to apply to all kinds of social rituals .
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