Example sentences of "[conj] his [noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 We can assume that his scepticism extended to his belief in the efficacy of non-violence because he notes that reading Tolstoy influenced him greatly and cured him of his scepticism making him a believer again in ahi sā .
2 Whatever the reason , Toks ' tighthead failed to get down and his head smashed against his opposition 's shoulder .
3 With his teeth chattering , his mouth bleeding and his hair flattened to his skull he could not have looked less appealing as he presented himself at the front door .
4 Athelstan closed the missal , all thoughts of Pike the ditcher and his family cleared from his head .
5 Mary was kissed and hugged by her workmates and Albert 's back was slapped and his hand shaken by his friends .
6 Nicolo swung her towards him and his hand dropped to his side .
7 ‘ I 'm not thirsty either , ’ he rasped , and his breath rattled in his lungs , reminding him of the dream that kept coming back , night after night .
8 His precarious position was compounded by his difficulties with Scotland and France , and his reign ended with his deposition .
9 Another Oxford graduate , but from the lower middle class , Jones had apparently the right socialist credentials , but his activism centred on his local south-London Labour Party .
10 As his judgement suffered in his calmer moments from overconfidence , so in his energetic ones it suffered from being too headlong .
11 As his arm dropped to his side his head also bowed , and with an audible intake of breath he muttered , ‘ In the name of God !
12 Mr Tughan said ‘ He was , without mercy , executed even as his mother pleaded on his behalf that she might be taken instead of her boy .
13 Because of his other highly classified projects , his office already contained all the paraphernalia of necessary secrecy : the code-block and buttons on the door , the gaggle of different-coloured telephones , the five-thousand-pound safes , even the tempered glass in the windows , as his lawyer noted at his trial , ‘ so that enemies of the country ca n't beam through the windows and pick up the sound ’ .
14 He looked down at the men lying there , unconscious , breathing shallowly ; and Luch jerked to wakefulness and tensed as his hand moved to his dirk …
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