Example sentences of "[conj] his [noun sg] have never [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Abel was now nine and his grandfather had never seen him .
2 Even as a boy Haile Selassie had believed in his imperial destiny ; for nearly twenty years he had survived conspiracies , wars and revolutions , and his resolution had never faltered .
3 I have a friend who has had a miserable marriage , because his wife has never given him her trust .
4 Fonda read aloud a page of words to her and though his wife had never joined him in his LSD excursions , and marijuana made her sick , she understood from her husband 's descriptions of expanded-mind experiences and images the intensity of his feelings .
5 He demanded that as his son had never stood trial or been convicted of the robbery , police had no right to seize the money from him .
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