Example sentences of "[conj] his [noun sg] be [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Herr Nordern joined in , and even Paul was co-opted although his contribution was less than successful as his views on suitable food seemed to consist only of frankfurter sausages , Cola , and , drawn from a mysterious memory of the dinner in the Palast , champagne .
2 He seemed alright at the moment , though , and his stroking was even and relaxed .
3 Yeah he 's alive and his mother was there and she 's ninety odd .
4 His huge opponent lay defeated and bloodied , and his blood-lust was more than satisfied ; it had been a good night and it was time to go .
5 The Welsh annals misdate the battle of Cogwy ( that is , Maserfelth ) by two years , to 644 ( AC s.a. 644 ) as opposed to Bede 's 642 , and place the death of Penda in 657 ( AC s.a 657 ) , but the interval here between the alleged date of Penda 's accession and his death is more than ten years .
6 In the context of a business sale an employee will be redundant if his dismissal was wholly or mainly attributable either to the change in location of the business or to the fact that fewer employees are now required for the business .
7 On the other hand , if his reversion is less than 14 months longer than the sublease , on the expiry of the sublease he will not be the competent landlord for the purposes of Part II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 if his own landlord is prompt in serving a section 25 notice .
8 He does n't actually use the words but his philosophy is clearly that the New Zealand sojourn may have been the darkest hour but that the darkest hours comes before the dawning of a new day .
9 She knew he had not wanted any woman to be here alone , but his rage was more than that surely .
10 On occasions he seems wistful and quiet but his attitude is definitely and generally antisocial .
11 On occasions he seems wistful and quiet but his attitude is definitely and generally antisocial .
12 Only those with short memories would subscribe to the notion that he guided a hick club to new heights — Real Sociedad were twice Spanish champions in the early Eighties — but his record was more than respectable .
13 It was commonly held that the first lord to whom he had sworn fealty had the first call on his service ; but in some cases it was held that the richest fief gave the vassal his strongest obligation ; or again , that it depended on the circumstances , on which lord had the greatest need — a lord must be helped if he was fighting in self-defence , but his claim was less if he was fighting in someone else 's defence ; or the vassal might be expected to fight on both sides , that is to say , to provide troops for both armies .
14 Friedman 's early guitar lessons were not what you 'd call fruitful , since his teacher was less than keen on showing Marty his favourite Frehley licks .
15 But , now and then , she wanted to be at his side when his mind was still and there was nothing there but the sweetness within the forbidding exterior ; and the love .
16 Under rules which came into effect last autumn , as his sentence was less than four years , he will be freed from jail automatically after serving half the term , unless he reoffends .
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