Example sentences of "[conj] his [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Nor does it resemble the bravura footing of Kitri in the Don Quixote pas de deux or the passages in Ashton 's Ondine where his ballerina appears to be floating through water .
2 It was as if he were still competing for Martha : every return to harbour became a race between his ketch and Sam 's ; every catch had to be compared for weight and quality , and every new little luxury Harry purchased for himself or his wife had to be announced that evening in the Russell alehouse as further proof of his superiority .
3 Dustin starts by playing Timothy Mouse to Voight 's Dumbo , although his voice seems to be dubbed by Mel Blanc , first as Daffy Duck ( whom he resembles somewhat with his beak and slicked-down black hair ) , then as a consumptive Bugs Bunny .
4 Perhaps unnerved by the suddenness of his summons to the Prime Minister and the vigour of Palmerston 's attack , Scott felt that his case had to be presented in a ‘ more consecutive manner ’ , and on 23rd July , 1859 , he wrote a long letter to Palmerston explaining how much effort he had put into the design and what a loss it would be to the country if it was not adopted .
5 Repeatedly he has said he favours internationally supervised elections , and that his country wishes to be non-aligned .
6 Leigh had made it clear to Olivier during this time of her mental illness that she no longer loved him , and Olivier was well aware that his wife wanted to be with Finchie .
7 She lived to regret what she regarded as her weakness , for the child 's fate was to be so terrible that his existence had to be denied in her own mind .
8 She flushed with his praise , happy that his party looked like being a success .
9 Unfortunately , it means that his urine has to be tested every two months .
10 Fair enough he may have had a very good reason for doing so but I thought that that would have been a typical apack erm he did say well you know I just want to run it by him , you know , just to make sure but you , you still needed to know why he thought that his accountant had to be involved .
11 ‘ It was purely his own decision , and his health has to be the prime consideration . ’
12 ‘ We 'll have to see her again , Bruce — if Yeo was having it off with Angela Morgan , both he and his missis have to be in the frame .
13 Big drops hammered the side of his head and his face ached from being clenched to keep the water out of his eyes .
14 So great were such feats , and so very great was Charles , that countless legends sprung up around him , and his rule began to be thought of as a golden age .
15 However , Poulantzas is emphatic that the two are interconnected , and his claim seems to be founded on a further belief about class position .
16 Whether that offer of friendship extends to Ceausescu and his family remains to be seen .
17 I have no evidence one way or another as to the extent of risk of an episode occurring within five weeks but realism and commonsense tell me that there is a reasonable possibility that it will not and that even if he does unfortunately suffer such a trauma , he will if his life has to be preserved by artificial means , recover sufficiently for a decision at the main hearing as to further mechanical ventilation for the future .
18 An antidepressant should never be the sole form of treatment a patient is receiving , even if his illness appears to be entirely of an endogenous variety .
19 The plane 's on loan from a friend , and Dwayne could not bear it if his friend ceased to be a friend .
20 If his work needs to be considered in the context of the contemporary politics of the Communist Party , as several commentators have stressed , it also requires reference to work done in the history of the sciences , particularly that of Gaston Bachelard in the history of physics and chemistry , his pupil Georges Canguilhem in the life sciences , and Jean Cavaillès in mathematics .
21 ‘ Excellent , ’ said the Count , but wondered if his protégée liked to be commanded .
22 The appellant was anxious for the matter to be dealt with in the magistrates ' court , but his accomplice elected to be tried in the Crown Court , but changed his plea at the last minute .
23 But his tenacity has to be admired .
24 Because of his withdrawal from active involvement , Maginn is the " forgotten " founder of the BDDA , but his memory deserves to be honoured by the Association .
25 He does not actually forbid remarriage for those whose partner has died , but his view seems to be that this is not God 's purpose for marriage .
26 We had some business to discuss , but his mind seemed to be elsewhere : I asked if there was anything wrong and he said ‘ No , ’ but I could tell that he was keeping something back .
27 But his blood seemed to be flowing at twice the normal Speed and he stood carefully , so that he could see the doorway .
28 There is some evidence from studies of families in which both wife and husband have careers that even in these situations the husband dominates decision-making , partly because his job comes to be seen as more important .
29 Indeed it was as though she had n't spoken , because his attention appeared to be fully centred upon Doreen .
30 Michael Marland has talked about the disappearance of deference and I think that 's the biggest change really that the kind of instant erm response to authority has gone and that has good and bad sides in it , so more is demanded of the teacher because his authority has to be earned , much more even than in the past I think .
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