Example sentences of "[conj] his [adj] [noun] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Although his cold manner made it difficult for me to talk to him , I had to ask him whether he had found any employment for me .
2 In the book the strength of the climax is that his moral attitudes make it necessary for him to reach the girl before she becomes the wife of someone else , which he does .
3 An objection which has been raised by Jürgen Moltmann ( see chapter 7 ) and by others who have been concerned to set our present time in the light of the eschatological emphasis of the New Testament is that Barth and his allies in the 1920s who aimed to recover that emphasis in fact misinterpreted it by twisting it into the ‘ eternal moment ’ of the encounter between time and eternity , ; and that his mature theology distorted it in a-different but equally damaging fashion by swallowing up the whole of time and history in the central history of Jesus Christ , and by dissolving that away in turn in the eternal self-determination of God within the council of the Trinity to be ‘ God for man ’ .
4 Last December , when £2 million was suggested as the likely price for their property , Mr Widdup and his 62-year-old wife made it clear they would not sell at any price .
5 Hands on hips , he stood staring down at her , and his wide grin said it all .
6 The harder it became , the more he and his remaining comrades enjoyed it .
7 The vicious personal attack on him by Ernets Bevin and his humiliating defeat made it impossible for him to remain as leader .
8 So unambiguously marked are these , that they draw attention away from other features of his — his odd stock of knowledge and his quiet eagerness to increase it — his unassuming inclination for the arts , and particularly music something different from the practical awareness that comes from being married to a singer — his compassion — his steadfastness .
9 And his next words confirmed it .
10 Moore , who did not place much value upon a society as a whole , might not have agreed , but his general principles allow it as a possibility .
11 ‘ Sometimes I think I see the devil incarnate , ’ she muttered , more to herself , but his sharp ears picked it up .
12 Spencer had always been the favoured one , beloved by mother since his difficult birth made it impossible for her to have any more children .
13 As in the 1920s , Morocco provided the scenario in which Franco appeared to be endowed with a special mix of luck and divine protection — baraka as his Moroccan soldiers called it .
14 From the caravan on the very edge of the sea he could see Larksoken Power Station stark against the skyline , as uncompromising as his own will to oppose it , a symbol and a threat .
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