Example sentences of "[conj] they should [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Baldwin at once began to talk about the walk they would have the following morning , and suggested that they should eschew the subject of coal for the evening .
2 Many people make wills and leave instructions about things that are important to them because they have assessed the risk and feel that they should anticipate the future and their possible demise .
3 Half of the non-executives thought that they should choose the chairman ; unsurprisingly , only a quarter of chief executives agreed .
4 What was significant about the Banstead strategy in this respect was that offering continued inpatient care to ‘ decantees ’ was presented by psychiatrists as a protection of patients ' rights , particularly the right to stay in hospital where , they argued , ‘ many resist any suggestion that they should leave the hospital and also become more ill when such suggestions are made … to press such a matter against the patients ’ will would certainly not be in their best interests ' .
5 This was the major design feature of the new units — that they should represent the competences , knowledge , skills and understanding expected by the major users of an award .
6 Er , the recommendation to those committees was that they should treat the paper as a basis for consultation , it was on that basis that they approved it , it was my impression that they support it in general terms .
7 The corollary of the theory , of course , is that ads for the cheap , day-to-day , convenience type of product are of so little interest to anybody that they should carry a minimum of information , and that they will even then have great difficulty in achieving any very active response from customers .
8 This is why it is essential that they should wear a collar with a name tag attached at all times .
9 Readers have their expectations of them , and that they should present an escape from the dreary realities of life is one of the most important of these .
10 But what is also clear is that it is unfair to litigants that they should meet the cost of a second appeal , one of the principal purposes of which is to resolve issues of law of general public importance .
11 That they should specify the conditions under which the final behaviour will occur .
12 The South Africans therefore demanded that they should do the job , and the UN 's representative agreed .
13 Despite the unceremonious manner of the suggestion , she agreed that they should give the idea a try .
14 But what must astonish us , I think , more than the details of violence is that the only charges brought as a result of this death were against three men who were charged with assault and punished with a 20 shillings ' fine , with the additional requirement that they should pay the doctor 's bill on the dead man .
15 What is vital is that they should generate the kinds of questions which can be explored through interaction with others .
16 The Court of Appeal held that there was no ground for disturbing the award as the arbitrators and the umpire were all " experts " and it was evidently the intention of the parties that they should settle the value and not act as formal arbitrators .
17 In Sicily the Pope told hearers that they should fight the Mafia .
18 Within days of Israel 's victory , Shehadeh had suggested to senior Israelis that they should permit the West Bank to declare an independent Palestinian state forthwith , without waiting for a political settlement with the rest of the Arab world .
19 According to a recent report from the market research company Mintel , customer perceptions of quality in products and service have more to do with their expectation that companies should get it right first time than with the belief that they should provide a safety net to protect consumers once things have gone wrong .
20 There are no special considerations regarding ruggedness of the terminals , except that they should withstand the use which is to be expected in a busy department .
21 That they should indicate the standard to be reached .
22 Finding that their efforts are doomed to failure , what more natural than that they should cause the company to execute a floating charge in their favour to secure the loans so that if anything is left , after the claims of the prior chargees are satisfied , they take it rather than the unsecured creditors ?
23 None of the Labour leaders felt that they should disobey the ruling of Conference that they should return to opposition : and some of them , most notably Morrison , were obviously relishing the prospect of the return to party politics .
24 But a third knight made the significant point that the commons were not likely to progress far without the agreement of the lords , and suggested that they should ask the king to appoint a group of prelates and magnates to help them in their deliberations .
25 But it 's unthinkable that they should allow the krytron into the hands of their oldest ally .
26 If , as seems likely , drug makers , food companies and others who are obliged to have their new products approved by the US Food and Drug Administration are going to be asked to pay for their vetting , it seems only reasonable that they should have a say in how it is run .
27 From the singers ' point of view , there was a condition that they should have a copy of the film for their private use .
28 Those involved in private care should arrange among themselves how they could be represented in the local planning process because if they are going to be covered by the planning arrangements then natural justice suggests that they should have an input in to the planning process .
29 we 've been talking about individuals and what they want , and we live in a context in which if people want a thing and the , and we feel that they should have the choice particularly if they have the money that if to , if you look at it in a wider context there are seven million children living on the streets in Brazil !
30 That does n't mean to say they should n't achieve inside the home too , but it does mean that they should have the chance of doing both if they want it , and I think perhaps most do .
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