Example sentences of "[conj] they can [vb infin] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The best place for many of these is the more peaceful setting of the mainly invertebrate aquarium where they can add a dash of colour and movement and feel better at home .
2 They may , indeed , deliver another painful lesson in what promises to be a fascinating derby match but Alex Ferguson 's team go into that encounter with pressure eased in the knowledge that they can drop a minimum of six points on a seven-match run-in .
3 They begin to feel that the job is there so that they can earn a living , rather than that they are doing the job itself !
4 Psychometric testers have no doubt that they can construct a profile of your personality and aptitudes by asking 1,000 questions during a four-hour session , and by following them with an intensive two-hour interview with an occupational psychologist .
5 Labour in the north of Britain and the Conservatives in the south have so many safe seats that they can suffer a loss of popular votes without this being translated into an equivalent loss of seats .
6 The radical agenda runs something like this : Labour ought to begin talks with the Liberal Democrats on PR ; negotiate electoral pacts with that party , so that they can achieve a majority in 1996 , not just in order to form a government , but to introduce PR ; abandon links with the trade unions , eschew egalitarian tax policies , perhaps even abandon the name ‘ Labour ’ , so as to disavow any claim of being a party that primarily represents a working class that , in self-identification , is constantly dwindling .
7 ‘ Families are often unaware that they can request a jury for an inquest , for example . ’
8 The signification is private to the user , and he can only hope that resemblances in his own experience have their counterpart in the experience of others , so that they can attach a meaning of their own to what he says .
9 As regards Monktonhall mineworkers ' consortium , it is encouraging that a group of ex-mineworkers have applied to British Coal to take over the pit , and I hope that they can make a success of it .
10 Furthermore I hope to share the experiences gained in this expedition with those around me so that they may realise that they can make a difference , however small it may be , if they choose .
11 What they 're ac what they 're trying to do is coordinate enough local parties with the same poster that they can make a block booking I would have thought .
12 READERS might like to know that they can play a part in choosing the UK ‘ People of the Year ’ .
13 Hunting dogs in Africa and wolves in North America also hunt in teams , snapping at the heels of an antelope or a moose , one taking over from the other until their victim is so exhausted that they can get a grip on it with their teeth and pull it down .
14 I know uncles who 've given salamis and bo bottles to the teach to give their sons and daughters a good report so that they can get a place in university .
15 Or they can converse in a sense that they can get a chord progression or a melody together that actually works , and says something , irregardless of the words .
16 However , considerable experience and expertise is available from specialist lift companies who are able to carry out traffic studies and listen to detailed requirements so that they can propose a range of solutions .
17 But music types in Manhattan and Hollywood say that they can see a country act as plain as a barn door .
18 It is particularly a comment on the far-sightedness of politicians that they can adopt a policy measure of such magnitude in the absence of any analysis as to how their particular constituents will be affected , and simultaneously determine the level of compensation appropriate for adjustment problems which have not been quantified .
19 Give your blokes this number so they can arrange a visit , but I 'll have a quick look while I 'm there . ’
20 We saved the party in nineteen eighty three , the G M B saved the party in that er , a crisis time th with the formation of the S D P and today the Tory government on its knees , staggering along and we have some people in the leadership of the Party and including , we can name them now , somebody 's written , writte written to all the constituencies , Neil Kinnock , who have given up the ghost of Labour ever winning again , and that 's what 's the base and the root of what 's going on , that 's why they want these proposals going through , they want to separate the trade unions from the Party so they can do a deal with the Liberals because they 've given up .
21 They need to book some motor violations so they can get a day off in court .
22 Just so they can have a day off or something .
23 The Graduate : Teesside Polytechnic is calling on all past students to get in touch with Alumni Officer Clare Tanner so they can receive a copy of its new magazine , The Graduate .
24 They 're waiting for that split second when all the backs are turned so they can slip a jacket or jumper in a bag and walk out of the shop . ’
25 They are light , easy to set up and transport and they can cover a multitude of grotty walls .
26 They have to address an unseen audience through the camera and they can prepare a script for their talk .
27 Although journalists are ‘ the people who operate much of the power of the press as usually understood ’ and they can exercise a measure of freedom in their choice of stories , anecdotal evidence supports the view that the real power within the press is rarely ‘ shared between its owners and the journalists ’ .
28 forty nine seconds and they can build a car
29 Do n't use extra lights unless you have to because they make small spaces very hot very quickly and they can make a classroom recording a very uncomfortable experience for everyone .
30 Give them a banner to enhance their chances and a good leader , and they can drive a hole right through most normal enemy troops .
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