Example sentences of "[conj] they are [v-ing] to be " in BNC.

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1 Currently there are no universally accepted standards for environmental auditors to work toward , although they are beginning to be developed .
2 General knowledge quizzes of the trivial pursuit type are useful money raisers but are so popular that they are beginning to be dominated by teams that take an almost professional approach to the game .
3 ‘ All the polling organisations , like our own private polling , demonstrate a very great firmness of support in those who say thus far that they are going to be voting Labour , and softness in Conservative support . ’
4 All this may seem like a put-off — but so many have died through lack of thought , facilities and impatience I can not give you the impression that they are going to be cheap and easy , quite the reverse !
5 ‘ SIMPLY STUNNING , a rhythmic , hypnotic , widescreen wah-wah washed , mind-widening chunk of funk , it 'll scare the reproductive organs off yer guitar purists , but ‘ Fools Gold ’ is nigh genius ; their finest ten minutes to date reiterating what we already knew — that the Roses are a great band — and confirms what we blithely guessed , that they are going to be MASSIVE , ’ says Danny Kelly .
6 ‘ Uncle Ross and I have been to see your mummy and daddy — and they are going to be just fine . ’
7 Illustrating the links between business and education , and I have said that we are a major business in the area we have probably stronger links with education than any other business that I can think of , and they are going to be sa singing our praises so we are going to putting quite a big display in the in the fashion centre .
8 EVERYONE I have spoken to about the New Zealand tour of Wales agrees that , if they are going to be beaten by anyone , it will be by one of the clubs rather than by the national side .
9 If they have an appointment with somebody they try and turn up on time or if they are going to be late , they ring up and apologise .
10 Other seed baits I have used successfully on the Severn are tares and maple peas , but I have not used the latter two very often and do not yet know if they are going to be consistently successful .
11 This group also has a sitting-in service , which is often necessary for carers if they are going to be able to get away and attend meetings at all .
12 They see it as something that they , as the caring agencies , must be involved in if they are going to be doing a good professional job .
13 State officials are dependent upon capitalist economic development and growth if they are going to be able to pursue their interests and sustain themselves in office , so they are constrained to act in the interests of capital , although not necessarily in its optimal interests ( Offe , 1984 ) .
14 Those involved in private care should arrange among themselves how they could be represented in the local planning process because if they are going to be covered by the planning arrangements then natural justice suggests that they should have an input in to the planning process .
15 Does the witness know how to contact you if they are going to be late ? ( 10 ) Do you do enough to help the witness get to court ; proper notice , instructions , map etc ? ( 11 ) Do you have a system for thanking witnesses regardless of whether they have to give evidence ? ( 12 ) Do you have an explanatory leaflet to give the witness ?
16 Nordstrom has not publicly put a cost on its plans , but they are going to be very expensive .
17 but they are going to be running short courses there about
18 Because they are going to be from all over the country .
19 In the summer months do n't shut your plants in a hot car or leave them in the sun while they are waiting to be loaded .
20 Teachers need to be able to understand and manage their own stress , to be able to deal with it effectively and intelligently , before they are going to be able even to think about what changes they would like to make , and to form realistic appraisals of what is possible .
21 Warners sound as though they are going to be worthy custodians of the Smiths ' glorious heritage .
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