Example sentences of "[conj] they may be [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or they may be of a different kind .
2 These relations may be of the paradigmatic variety ( e.g. oppositeness , synonymy , etc. ) or they may be of the so-called paronymic sort ( that is to say , involving identity of root , but difference of syntactic category , as , for instance , with act : actor , race : racy .
3 Will he therefore do his best to defuse the present unhappy situation and assure the people of that great continent that , although they may be on the other side of the world , they are close to the hearts of the people of the United Kingdom ?
4 Initiating pupils into theology is an essential part of RE , so that they may be on the wavelength of the major religions and be able — if they wish — to use their language and outlooks to make sense of their own personal experience .
5 Sexuality , he pontificated , was one of ‘ the areas of social life that are revealed only to medical men , in the hope that they may be in a position to suggest some mode of relief ’ .
6 It will also often be counterproductive to go to your second-choice expert simply because they may be in a position to do the report more quickly .
7 Important [ but unrecognized ] though they may be to the man in the street , functional methacrylates are no more than a small side-branch in ICI 's acrylic chain .
8 Important as they may be to the birds and trout , they can be very annoying to humans and , although they may not bite , the sheer numbers of midges and blackflies have been known to send birdwatchers — and particularly photographers — into paroxysms of rage and frustration .
9 Thus it can be seen that the records of Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic flints , few and sparse as they may be to the local researcher , may , together with palaeo-environmental information and some idea of such early hunting , fishing and gathering life-styles , lead to a real appreciation of how the landscape was used by people in these early periods in the area under study .
10 True , these sources overlap , different as they may be in the nature of their risk , difficulty , and complexity , and the potential for innovation may well lie in more than one area at a time .
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