Example sentences of "[conj] they [vb mod] [vb infin] i [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I know that they combine a macho enthusiasm for selective violence with a rigid adherence to middle-class morality , but you are n't seriously suggesting that they 'll suspect me of cutting Paul 's throat because I go to bed with his wife ?
2 So that I can go through my designs and make quite certain that there is not one collar , not one cuff detail , not the slightest influence that they could accuse me of copying from them .
3 The proud fighter who took every challenge , was overcome with fear that they could mock me with their chat , but delighted to be noticed .
4 It should prove useful , as will all the places I have talked about above , in that they will provide me with the amount of information to produce an investigation that has all the qualities necessary to gain a good grade .
5 If the authorities read that they 'd put me on the next bus to [ name of border area ] and keep me there .
6 They will understand me too quickly ; they will turn my own generosity against me and despise me for the lovers I took ; and they will cast me as the woman who briefly threatened to interfere with the writing of the books which they have enjoyed reading .
7 I called my mum and dad and asked if they could take me to the hospital .
8 the , it 's been put to me to er interview various people or listen to other people if they can tell me about
9 If they can change me from one to another by using hormones , they can now give me the male hormones and then I 've got everything I want . ’
10 I mean I mean I 've written a letter to my cousins in South Wales asking them if they can point me at any places that might record , but I 'll actually make the contacts .
11 But they can beat me to it every time .
12 When I left school at 14 , I was beginning to feel strange urges within me — an awakening of manhood , a desire to assert myself as an adult , a different feeling towards girls , especially when they would touch me on the body .
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