Example sentences of "[conj] they [vb base] [pers pn] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or they place it in a busy part of the house , near the back door , where people are always walking past .
2 And I would be the last person to advocate that we follow the American practice of litigation er to the extremes that they pursue it in the States .
3 The Olympic athletes , the cricketers and the tennis seeds are just playing games , although one can hope that they do it in a sporting fashion .
4 That they have him in the Tower of London . ’
5 she said no , Jean said oh I ca n't walk that , have a bloody heart attack she says , so they put her in a trolley
6 ‘ Lots of women who have fine hair hanker after long , thick hair , so they grow it in the mistaken belief that the longer it gets , the more hair they have and the fuller it will look , ’ explained Charles .
7 But you can see why if you 're selling inappropriately , if you sell someone for example , a savings plan , and they cash it in the first four years , and they do n't even get what they paid in it , how they 're going to be very annoyed , because from what they could see , they were getting a savings plan .
8 And they put me in the banqueting room , erm but we could n't , d' ya know .
9 They wheel you over and they put you in the bath and they start stripping off your bandages which is absolute agony .
10 They gave me food with stones and yak dung , but it was still not enough and they put it in a urine container .
11 You take the card back next time and they put it in a machine and add more points to it .
12 How people use this and they put it in the dictionary .
13 and they put it in the sinks and baths all round the hall
14 Groups go up there and they pay the money for it and they put it in the middle while you 're waiting for the film , it 's all carpeted and you can watch all the monitors and they just sit down this huge tub of popcorn they had an op
15 The V bomb , V bombers and the doodlebugs and er when he came home it was nineteen forty six I think or seven er , my fath er my mother had died and my father wanted to get away from the place we were in and we said oh well go ahead you know , we 'll easily get somewhere and of course we did n't and they put us in a Nissan hut , which we made absolutely beautiful , we did all sorts of things to it and had a lovely garden all around it and the people from the Council use to come around and say to us oh well you do n't need to be rehoused because you 've made this so very nice you see , anyway I then started to work for the Corporation and then there was the possibility of course
16 And they carry them in the rubbers and put them in the mangers .
17 In sufficient numbers innovation-weary teachers can make any change a change for the worse if they implement it in a resentful , half-hearted or half-baked fashion , and under these conditions even the brightest and the best schemes are going to flop .
18 I wonder why they reduced them then , if they put them in the new catalogue , oh there 's a slight difference ai n't there , there 's no bow
19 Yes , if they put you in a
20 cunt , wonder what that would be if they put it in a dictionary .
21 so it 's bad enough if they gather them in the gathering them in the barrel like , the barrel bit , but not the sort of
22 And I 'm sure they 'll pick them up if they see them in the
23 Being a war correspondent is a genuinely dangerous job , just like they portray it in the movies .
24 So where he is now , they really stretch them but they unwind them in the afternoons by games and and
25 Mind you do n't your tongue with that I tell you what they had in er Woolies market as well , I do n't know whether you 've seen them and I do n't , I 've not got you know an old Argos catalogue to compare prices , cos they 've not got it in the summer one , but they have them in the winter ones , it 's like a , a tool box , but it 's on wheels and you make it up , you , you know all the screws and the wheels come out and you 're not , it 's all plastic , I think it must be from age three , because of the little bits , and it 's like erm , I 've seen it somewhere , where I 've been , it has little figures sat in this erm , what would you , it 's like erm , a bit like a truck , yeah , and it 's got the , the figures in it
26 These become almost like rituals as the cat grows older — little routines that reward the animal because they involve it in a social interaction with its owners or their guests .
27 And if they died , we us I helping my moni my Mother many at time , to wash them down , before they put them in the coffins .
28 Voters can cast their votes in the second ballot in the light of that knowledge , and will be similarly well informed before they cast them in the third and fourth .
29 West Ham look a good outfit , they pass the ball around well in the midfield but are crap when they get it in the box .
30 ‘ You know , when they stop me in the street , at least half of them call me Mr Darcy .
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