Example sentences of "[conj] they [vb base] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 To a lesser degree they still exist nearer home ; in the Alps herdsmen take their cattle to the ‘ Alm ’ meadows where they tend them during the summer , and in Scotland and Wales the hill sheep spend half the year on the mountain commons whilst the lower , enclosed land grows winter keep .
2 Or they put them under the wrong door .
3 It was said in Scorer v Seymour-Johns [ 1966 ] 3 All ER 347 per Salmon LJ that the special element can be characterised as the connection relying on the employee to the extent that they regard him as the business rather than his employer : in that case the employer 's business had many recurring customers ( cf Fellowes & Son v Fisher [ 1975 ] 2 All ER 829 ) .
4 And I would be the last person to advocate that we follow the American practice of litigation er to the extremes that they pursue it in the States .
5 The C E C when they 're talking about motions sometimes say that they accept them with the qualification and I 'd like to say to Congress this morning will you accept a qualification from the branch moving this to say that we are talking about groups of members and their needs not individuals ?
6 Goodey has not looked at it satisfactorily as far as I 'm concerned and as far as many of the scheme members are concerned , I mean he has concluded that the employers are still entitled to er do what they like with the surplus , the only thing that he recommends that they do it with the approval of the regulator himself , but he the other thing that the
7 An annuity is an arrangement with a financial institution whereby , if you are over retirement age and do not want to leave your property to anyone when you die , they will effectively buy your house from you ( albeit at a bit less than the market price ) , give you guaranteed security of tenure until you die , and turn the money that they pay you for the house into a regular income for life .
8 That they have him in the Tower of London . ’
9 They could n't come to a decision so they put it to the vote when — as the book put it — a pair of bearded anarchists , one with flame red hair , appeared out of nowhere and took their decision for them , smashing down the gates with sledgehammers .
10 ‘ Lots of women who have fine hair hanker after long , thick hair , so they grow it in the mistaken belief that the longer it gets , the more hair they have and the fuller it will look , ’ explained Charles .
11 ‘ So we all go up in the lift , and the two bucks as good as carry the mother 's boy into the room ; he 's almost completely gone , and they sit him on the bed and they pour some of the champagne down him and then they come out .
12 But you can see why if you 're selling inappropriately , if you sell someone for example , a savings plan , and they cash it in the first four years , and they do n't even get what they paid in it , how they 're going to be very annoyed , because from what they could see , they were getting a savings plan .
13 ‘ They 're not snooty and they take us down the pub for a drink if we 've done a good job . ’
14 And they class it as the south .
15 and they 've I gave them to them and they put them on the hedges
16 And they put me in the banqueting room , erm but we could n't , d' ya know .
17 They wheel you over and they put you in the bath and they start stripping off your bandages which is absolute agony .
18 So they got him a tent , and they put it at the top of my mum 's garden .
19 but she had drapes and that to buy herself and , and they put it on the frame and she ca n't get into her drawers on bed , so they 're no good
20 How people use this and they put it in the dictionary .
21 and they put it in the sinks and baths all round the hall
22 Groups go up there and they pay the money for it and they put it in the middle while you 're waiting for the film , it 's all carpeted and you can watch all the monitors and they just sit down this huge tub of popcorn they had an op
23 He was just doing the ‘ Hunky Dory ’ album but we did n't know that , Anyway , we got in touch with The Country Club and they put us on the guest list and Cherry Vanilla , Wayne County and I , posing as journalists , went along to see him .
24 Er it erm er the result was that you was really working flat out all the summer , and then as the winter advanced , you got very short of work , and they put us on the dole , for half a week .
25 Stab the heel and they drip the blood out onto a piece of blotting paper and it dries and they send it to the laboratory and they punch it out and they examine it and they test it .
26 Suppose you 're an expert document examiner outside the service and they call you for the defence .
27 Well that 's what everybody sings to me when them and they meet me for the first time or get introduced to me .
28 And they carry them in the rubbers and put them in the mangers .
29 And then the police come and they tape him to the top of the ceiling
30 I wonder why they reduced them then , if they put them in the new catalogue , oh there 's a slight difference ai n't there , there 's no bow
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