Example sentences of "[conj] they [vb base] [be] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile TEM has sent the shutters to Fulmer Research Institute in B hamshire where they have been cleaned and sprayed with epoxy paint .
2 2 No forms , or tear off slips , originating from the other party should be returned — except where they have been read and a conscious decision is taken to accept any relevant terms .
3 In Britain public examination results have always been of internal interest to schools , although they have been used as only crude indicators in evaluating a school 's performance .
4 The Government said then that although they have been told that they are in the wrong , they will do nothing about it .
5 Sometimes people have um a whole variety of symptoms in later life and perhaps as a consequence of some sort of therapy , some sort of consciousness raising exercise , something like that erm they are not necessarily aware at the start that they 've been abused but sometimes they feel y'know a very compelling sense of memories flooding back .
6 The result is of that is not fortunate that they 've been delayed but that in fact we have as much money to spend on them next year from the capital receipts as we will have spent this year , so in a sense we , we 're not going backwards there either .
7 and you may find that they 've been done and they 'll be posted to your branch so they will be there when you get back on Monday .
8 Cases on which you are relying should be checked in the list of cases judicially considered in the Law Reports Indexes ( red and pink ) or in The Digest , lest they have been overruled , not followed or doubted , or in the hope that they have been followed or approved .
9 The auctioneers say that they have been assured that a licence will be forthcoming .
10 However , the purchaser should ensure that this only applies to obligations to the extent that they have been disclosed and ensure that it will not be required to perform the obligations if such vicarious performance would be a breach of the relevant contract ( see clause 8.2(b) of the standard sale agreement — Appendix III ) .
11 A Go-Kart is in a similar position , but both a dumper truck and a Go-Kart can become ‘ motor vehicles ’ if it can be proved that they have been adapted or intended for use on roads .
12 If the new VAT rules have brought vexations in their wake , it should not be forgotten that they have been introduced because frontier controls are abolished from today .
13 When they have not been able to do so they have been isolated and their influence has been drastically reduced ’
14 Critics are demanding changes to 2 important pieces of legislation … the Children Act of 1989 and the Criminal Justice Act of 1991 , which forced the police to hand over to social services all offenders under the age of 15 once they 've been arrested and charged .
15 Books and other references sources can be extremely useful and I 've found the staff at most libraries very helpful … that is , once they 've been persuaded that they are not dealing with an imaginative miscreant !
16 Leaves are much hardier and will stand any amount of bad treatment , but having said that do n't try pressing damaged or nibbled leaves in the hope that they will look better once they have been pressed because they wo n't !
17 As in the use of any chart of this type , parents must not remove stickers once they have been earned and no black marks should be given for wet beds .
18 Now we 've actually found seventy thousand pounds worth of savings we have n't made anybody redundant and we 've actually quite clearly taken in that seventy thousand pounds within our overall budget past decisions has had to be taken and they 've been taken as I said earlier hopefully when the financial climate gets better we perhaps we 'll be able to other things all or were revert back to things that we we do wish to do because the the financial restraints on us .
19 Erm , you know , if they 're sitting there in water and they 've been peeled and they 're ready to cook , they wo n't be cooked until they 're needed to be cooked , you know .
20 Erm , and they 've been told that we might not be making any appointment at all ?
21 ‘ There are 25,000 people in Halewood and they have been short-changed since the psychiatric services were based in Rainhill Hospital and Whiston .
22 Here again , do n't expect them to take the boots back if they 've been marked or worn outside .
23 Ivan Klima could be called a lyric author , and the notion of what it is to be such an author is examined in My First Loves , whose gentle and deliberate stories read as if they have been grown and stored before being made public .
24 Making the assumption that such men have working-class occupations , Sullivan argues that the housing options for them are very limited after divorce , more limited than for women who , if they have been left as single parents relying upon state benefits for their income , probably will qualify for local authority housing .
25 Leaving aside publications in parts , which are a special problem , books which should contain advertisements can not be reckoned complete without them , so that , if they have been removed or discarded in a rebinding , the value suffers considerably , even though the text is perfect .
26 This week we will discover if they have been persuaded that it can be so .
27 I 'm a perfectly engineered Kill machine , which will carry out its orders until they 've been implemented or I 've been destroyed .
28 The criminal acts themselves contribute nothing to this process since they do not exist as criminal acts unless they have been defined as such by official defining and sanctioning agencies ( a point made much of by interactionist writers , including Erikson ) .
29 These are good pillows here but they 've been mapped as intrusives . ’
30 Erm we have taken various steps immediately , one is that the vandalism that taking place over the erm we have immediately re-secured , I have to say there 's been about fifty erm tickets out to re-secure those those , that site over the summer but they have been re-secured and tomorrow morning there will be the commencement of bricking up of the doors and windows of the ground floor of block D , block .
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