Example sentences of "[conj] they [vb past] [adv] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 So Flora put on her green wellies and Jane her black ones , and they marched out over the hills .
2 ‘ It 's a grand sight on a fine day , ’ he observed quietly as they stared out over the grey water .
3 There , as they looked out over the River Thames , he ordered a meal and demanded that she tell him her life story .
4 Some of the herbs listed are found in most countries — often taken by mankind as they migrated all over the world , showing that man considered them as important .
5 ‘ Now remember , lads , ’ he briefed them as they scuttled purposefully over the rough rocky ground , ‘ this is n't some parasite we 're searching for , it 's a Chelonian officer .
6 Crouched in the shadows , Scathach watched , but his eyes were on Tallis , not on her fingers as they moved swiftly over the charm .
7 After a while the gentle rocking as they moved smoothly over the dark water , the beauty and romance of the night , began to work a subtle magic , and unconsciously she relaxed .
8 The effect of all such variations was to make it in the interests of publishers not to specialize in one type of paper but , as they did increasingly over the post-war decades , to spread their interests across morning , evening and weekly papers — and , in a few cases , Sundays .
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