Example sentences of "[conj] they [modal v] get the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Had the Government not thought that they could get the Bill passed without the House having a serious attempt to debate or qualify it , those matters could have been discussed with experts .
2 Mervyn had to repeat his observation three times before they understood , but he was determined that they should get the message .
3 It is not yet certain that they will get the chance .
4 I must tell the House and the Minister that there are only 15 minutes left for this debate ; other hon. Members wish to participate and I hope that they will get the chance to do so .
5 But it may be additional in the same way as the government argues EEC money to the North is — that is , they argue that they plan their spending in the expectation that they will get the EEC money and would plan differently if they did not expect to get it .
6 There are many alternative types of holiday on offer and even within the package sector the provision of a financial bond by firms and other guarantees give particular holiday-makers a relatively firm assurance that they will get the holiday they want or one very nearly like it .
7 Can I put the Home Secretary back on the right road by telling him that the reason why morale in the Northumbria police force is low and why chief constables generally despair is not because the right hon. Gentleman suddenly makes a generous offer of help in a crisis , but because all chief constables , including the new chief constable of Northumbria , want consistency of funding so that they can be sure that they will get the officers and resources they require over a number of years ?
8 and they 've got to pick one of the cards and they might get the Joker .
9 Well that was kept by fella called and they could get the beer off-licence , although it was n't , it was n't so far to the Old Naked Inn and then there was a pub on the corner of , I ca n't remember the name of that because they 've opened it too young to remember pubs in them days but er , apart from the off-licence there was no actual public inn on Street , there was off-licence , as I say just a few yards down was the Old Naked Inn and there was a pub on the top of just on the side of .
10 A record number of pupils received their A-level results today , but many will be left wondering if they 'll get the place they want at university .
11 I doubted , however , if they would get the length of Apricot Sunsets .
12 ‘ The players who are short are probably on emergency codes but they 'll get the money back . ’
13 Your customers will be happy because they will get the credit they want .
14 And , and were prepared to do the work so long as they could get the say so from erm the Highways Authority .
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