Example sentences of "[conj] they [modal v] be [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , because of the immense potential for the integrated ( ie raster/ASCII/vector ) systems that were under development , the point was made that the strategy could be to plan their eventual use for those functions where they could be of value .
2 Few of these products have been clinically tested although they may be of assistance to some people .
3 And now that they 've retired on half pension , they 're a damn sight better off than they would be in Sydney or Auckland , let alone London . ’
4 Following the visit of our hon. Friend the Member for Enfield , North ( Mr. Eggar ) to Basildon last Friday , will my right hon. and learned Friend endorse our hon. Friend 's statement that the independence that we are offering colleges of further education and sixth-form colleges such as Basildon 's will enable them to be more effective , efficient and flexible than they can be at present ?
5 Clement 's purpose was to make cultured persons under instruction for baptism , called ‘ catechumens ’ ( by contrast with ‘ the faithful ’ who are the baptized ) , feel that they would be at home in the church .
6 Thus , for example , the disabled wife ( or cohabitee ) can only draw the Non-contributory Invalidity Pension if she is unable to perform normal ( as defined by the DHSS ) household duties , regardless of whether housework is her normal profession , regardless of the fact that men and single women only have to prove inability to do paid work to qualify for the pension ; and conversely , the Invalid Care Allowance , for people who lose their incomes because they must stay at home and care for a sick relative , is not payable to wives ( or cohabitees ) because it is assumed that they would be at home in any case !
7 Clearly , outright control does indeed take place , but on a day-to-day level social stability is secured largely through people feeling that they might be under scrutiny .
8 Campaigners against a proposed waste disposal complex in Renfrew are hopeful tonight that they may be within sight of winning their battle .
9 Will he remember that more and more people reaching retirement age wish to have independence in their own hands , which means that they must be in receipt of policies that encourage that independence , including savings , during their working career ?
10 TWO youngsters who were strangled after warnings that they could be at risk were put on a council child protection register in June , it was revealed yesterday .
11 ( On Feb. 28 the UN Security Council had warned Iraq of " serious consequences " after ballistic experts were refused permission to destroy Scud missile equipment , on the grounds that they could be of use in civilian industry — see p. 38788 . )
12 In this passage , Paul reminds his readers not only that that they should be at peace , but also where that peace will have its origin .
13 Mr Berkley had almost felt pity for him , and genuinely regretted that they should be at war .
14 To read how my own ancestors lived in the time of the Tudors and the Stuarts and to even learn that they occupied the 10th pew adjoining the South Wall in the Myddle Church has been the inspiration to write down some reminiscences of my own childhood and of the stories related to me , in the hope that they will be of interest , not only to the present generation , but maybe , also to that 500 years hence !
15 Even with heterogeneous expectations on the part of investors the process of arbitrage will ensure that they will be in agreement on the price of the option in relation to the parameters S o , h , L , rf and t even though the average values of h , L and p can not be observed .
16 Whilst we and other members of the travel industry are campaigning to have any such charges waived for holidaymakers , it is possible that they will be in force when you travel .
17 If members of the chamber of commerce disagree about that , I am sure that they will be in touch with me .
18 There will probably be times , when you are at school , that they will be in charge of him so it 's very important they should enjoy this part of his education and development , too .
19 Already a number of British and overseas players have indicated that they will be in action at the championships and Robin is still hopeful that others will sign on the dotted line before entries close .
20 I think that the genetic er , testing that was , that is now law , has to go a long way towards finding criminals , who once they 've been tested will find it very difficult to commit crime again , because they 're on record , and they 'll be on computer record .
21 Well , he said , I 'm putting them on the train and they 'll be in Valley on the seven o'clock train for you On Friday night this was .
22 The others are waiting and they may be in danger .
23 No no er erm well er there is Prunus that 's a plum I mean a cherry that grows up and various ones like that the only trouble is with these type of things they can be more of a nuisance than the trees that you do have now because those trees growing up those spindly ones as you put it erm some gardeners call them or whatever name they use I but the trouble is bits die in the centre of those and they tend to drop down and they can be in time more far more of a nuisance than the trees they 've got now which seems to me quite suitable .
24 No , for the moment they are the Government and they will be at Maastricht , so let us find out what they will do in three weeks .
25 Arsenal have slipped to sixth after three successive Premier League defeats , and they will be without England full-back Lee Dixon for at least a month after he was carried off with a knee injury .
26 We will produce 20,000 cards and they will be on sale through many outlets in Wales .
27 We will produce 20,000 cards and they will be on sale through many outlets in Wales .
28 The powerboats will start arriving at Fort Perch Rock car park on Friday , June 18 , and they will be on show for public inspection on the Friday and Saturday evenings .
29 Liverpool suffered several injuries during Sunday 's nerve-racking FA Cup semi-final against Portsmouth at Highbury and they will be below strength in the two matches before next Monday 's replay .
30 Cast them upon their own resources , and they 'd be on Valium three times a day before you could say Hoffmann-La Roche .
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