Example sentences of "[conj] they [modal v] [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was the custom in Egypt , on the Friday after a body had been interred , for the women of the family to visit the tomb , where they would break a palm branch over the grave and distribute cakes and bread to the poor .
2 Fellows from universities who fought in Spain are being given jobs in Intelligence or Censorship where they could do a lot more damage as traitors than a squaddy like I 'd be .
3 Employee career development was flexible , and management encouraged individuals to pursue their interests and extend their skills in areas where they could make a contribution to the business .
4 Do n't store old newspapers or other inflammable materials under the stairs , where they could fuel a fire and cut off your primary escape route .
5 Inside , where they will spend a lot of time in this northern climate , the zoo has thoughtfully specified sleeping cubicles , scramble nets , climbing ropes and in particular , their log climbing frames .
6 On the matter of hedge cutting debris could I ask you please to ensure that your contractor removes the hedge clippings and does not leave them where they will cause a hazard to cyclists .
7 All 22 Premier League chairmen meet in London today where they will hear a call from Arsenal vice-chairman David Dein to reduce the League to 18 clubs .
8 The best place for many of these is the more peaceful setting of the mainly invertebrate aquarium where they can add a dash of colour and movement and feel better at home .
9 Studies assessing the value of various risk factors and scoring systems in patients with acute variceal haemorrhage are important as they may offer a useful mean of selection for entry into clinica trials or they may identify a group of patients with a very high mortality .
10 Or they may fire a warning shot . ’
11 These contrary results using implied volatilities may be due to the form of option pricing model used , or they may reveal a difference between ex ante and ex post prices in measuring price volatility .
12 My constituents , er many of them will be concerned personally because they may have a relative in the army , now that we 've got ground troops out there , or they may have a relative who 's lived there or , or you know , God forbid , some of , some of them may have relatives who , who are hostages .
13 Or they may yield a piece from another planet , such as Mercury .
14 They may refuse to respond , on the grounds that they do not know what tiv means ( see Carey , 1978 ) ; they may ask what tiv means , and having been told to guess , offer a response ; or they may select a response without querying tiv .
15 So they might design their own tattoo or they might design a fairground erm frontage , based on what they 've seen years ago
16 The lack of evidence of greater efficacy and acceptability of serotonin reuptake inhibitors means that their adoption as the drugs of choice in major depression may be premature , although they may have a role in subgroups of patients in whom other treatments are contraindicated or have failed .
17 The systems planning team will overview the development of the project although they will appoint a systems development team to control its day-to-day running .
18 The thing had died , and for its death they could also find no reason … no more than they could find a reason for how it was able to live in the first place .
19 Some schemes were , moreover , undertaken , even though it was known that they would make a loss , because of the statutory duty to supply .
20 Meanwhile more than 40 per cent of respondents to an opinion poll said that they would prefer a return to more centralized economic management and only 25 per cent wanted a market-oriented system .
21 There are some whose fear of instability is so great that they would prefer a return to the old divisions .
22 Only six stated that they would offer a translation of the documents .
23 Shortly before signing the non-aggression accord , however , the two sides announced that they would hold a meeting at Panmunjom on Dec. 26 , in order to discus the issue of nuclear weapons within the Korean peninsula .
24 Two thirds of those questioned said that they would visit a betting shop in the evening .
25 Then they clapped me on the back with too many hands , thrust upon me the plastiform wafer that confirmed payment of the rest of my fee , and proclaimed that they would create a song for the festival in praise of ’ the , most safe and reliable Delmore Curb , master courier ’ .
26 He and Warnie , for example , had decided that they would erect a memorial window to their parents in St Mark 's , but it was a decision they quickly came to regret when the Lewis , Hamilton and Ewart cousins all weighed in with suggestions of what should go into the window .
27 The brokers are scheduled to start again from scratch today , but there is talk of rival firms telling the Kuwaitis that they would like a go .
28 The BBC would , at that stage , have had a generalist — the standard habit when I arrived in the field was that they would have a generalist producer , researcher , or somebody writing the script , cobbling together the best knowledge , whether the producer or researcher had worked on archaeology last time , flower-arranging next time , what have you after that …
29 The House of Lords upheld the award as a punishment to both author and publisher , as there was evidence that both were reckless about the truth of the defamatory statements in the book , and indeed hoped that they would cause a sensation so that the book 's sales would increase .
30 It was always assumed that they would get a job , a home , a wife and children , in that order .
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