Example sentences of "[conj] they [modal v] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And finally tonight congratulations to Hereford United on reaching the fourth round of the FA Cup where they 'll face the might of Brian Clough and his Nottingham Forest side .
2 It was the custom in Egypt , on the Friday after a body had been interred , for the women of the family to visit the tomb , where they would break a palm branch over the grave and distribute cakes and bread to the poor .
3 Other shops in the village closed as more women went out to work , often to Darlington or Richmond , where they 'd do the bulk of their shopping .
4 Fellows from universities who fought in Spain are being given jobs in Intelligence or Censorship where they could do a lot more damage as traitors than a squaddy like I 'd be .
5 Employee career development was flexible , and management encouraged individuals to pursue their interests and extend their skills in areas where they could make a contribution to the business .
6 Do n't store old newspapers or other inflammable materials under the stairs , where they could fuel a fire and cut off your primary escape route .
7 Eventually , they entered London , and Noah began to look for a quiet , cheap pub where they could spend the night .
8 The Japanese team will also attend a lunch reception at the British Gas Bristol North offices in Eastgate Road on 23 March , where they will meet the Lord Mayor and be given a tour of this operational control centre .
9 The excitement of the exhibition concerns the opportunity to place many works around the park 's lake where they will create an impression quite different to the context of brutal architecture of the Hayward Gallery , or of the European Patent Office in Munich and of other cities for which King has made commissions in recent years .
10 Inside , where they will spend a lot of time in this northern climate , the zoo has thoughtfully specified sleeping cubicles , scramble nets , climbing ropes and in particular , their log climbing frames .
11 On the matter of hedge cutting debris could I ask you please to ensure that your contractor removes the hedge clippings and does not leave them where they will cause a hazard to cyclists .
12 All 22 Premier League chairmen meet in London today where they will hear a call from Arsenal vice-chairman David Dein to reduce the League to 18 clubs .
13 " They asked if they might come to see the palais , but they had of course to remain outside in the gardens with their nurse where they can do no damage . "
14 ( A favourite way of disposing of demons is the same trick as is used to deal with miracles : assign them to the New Testament era , where they can do no harm or cause any embarrassment . )
15 The participants will provide advanced adaptive lighting of complex interiors with support for dynamic lighting and environmental modelling , so that designers and customers can enter a realistic virtual building where they can change the placement and intensity of light fittings and even modify the environment .
16 These other actors , subnational , supranational , and transnational , have specific areas of interest , where they can challenge the dominance of the state .
17 The best place for many of these is the more peaceful setting of the mainly invertebrate aquarium where they can add a dash of colour and movement and feel better at home .
18 Some want to chat about their problems : their upcoming court cases , where they can get an Aids test , how they can get into drug treatment .
19 another mistake in the film was to suggest that in a a short franchise , say of seven years they would need a great deal of working capital , but they wo n't need a great deal of working capital or or share capital , they will actually be running a business where they get subsidy , because if er they 're involving socially necessary lines , like commuter lines , or or rural lines , then we 've made it very clear er that the taxpayers subsidy will continue , because these are loss making businesses , they will be bid they will bid for subsidy , and they will continue to get that subsidy , so they will have the flow of whatever income they can increase , in the passenger franchise , plus the subsidy , plus , and this is a very important point in what we 're doing in the restructuring of British Rail , you see , nobody up till now has said that British Rail is perfect , everyone acknowledges that there are big improvements to be made , the way we 're structuring it will get those improvements because the smaller franchises , not the great big monolithic nationalized industry , the smaller units , ha will be able to identify much more clearly where they can make the savings and where they can increase the revenue .
20 These can themselves be productive of problems for the people concerned , or they may affect the kind of advice or counsel which the social worker should offer .
21 Studies assessing the value of various risk factors and scoring systems in patients with acute variceal haemorrhage are important as they may offer a useful mean of selection for entry into clinica trials or they may identify a group of patients with a very high mortality .
22 They may continue the case in order to gain more information ; they may make a supervision order , involving the child living at home but under regular supervision , or being sent to live elsewhere in the care of others ; or they may discharge the referral altogether .
23 In the following four sections we shall examine five different habits used by animals to avoid being eaten : potential prey may actively flee their predators , or they may stay still and try to be invisible , or they may stuff themselves with sickening chemicals and advertise their unpalatability with bright ‘ warning colours ’ , or they may mimic the warning colours of others , and finally , in some circumstances , an animal may make itself less likely to be eaten by living in a group .
24 Or they may give the impression that they are not quite sure if you are the right candidate , i.e. they have not done their homework .
25 Hence they are faced with a dilemma : the business may continue to operate at the same level , but without the prospect of expansion , or they may alter the form of business enterprise to a partnership or a company .
26 Or they may fire a warning shot . ’
27 These contrary results using implied volatilities may be due to the form of option pricing model used , or they may reveal a difference between ex ante and ex post prices in measuring price volatility .
28 My constituents , er many of them will be concerned personally because they may have a relative in the army , now that we 've got ground troops out there , or they may have a relative who 's lived there or , or you know , God forbid , some of , some of them may have relatives who , who are hostages .
29 Or they may yield a piece from another planet , such as Mercury .
30 They may refuse to respond , on the grounds that they do not know what tiv means ( see Carey , 1978 ) ; they may ask what tiv means , and having been told to guess , offer a response ; or they may select a response without querying tiv .
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