Example sentences of "[conj] they [verb] at the [det] " in BNC.

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1 We hope to juxtapose paintings that they painted at the same site at the same time ’ .
2 He says safety is paramount you have to make sure the balloons are at the same temperatures and that they keep at the same height .
3 The main characteristic of rejuvenation terraces and breaks of slope in the valley side caused by the same process is that the terraces are essentially paired , so that they occur at the same elevation on both sides of the valley .
4 All we can reasonably conclude is that they happened at the same time .
5 It is thought that many of the jury became wealthy men , through bribes by both Blount and Dudley , so that they arrived at the same conclusion — a conclusion that ‘ After a searching enquiry , they could find no presumption of evil doing . ’
6 There were three women and they died at the same time so God goes cos you do n't all three of you do n't so , erm , the first one goes : I wan na go back to Earth thousand times are better so she goes back as a President , right ?
7 He listened to what she said and they laughed at the same things .
8 the , yeah , twenty I mean , well that one goes different and they started at the same edge , ah two twenty twos oh
9 If they sit at the same or adjacent desks they have a spatial bond .
10 If they sit at the same or adjacent desks they have a spatial bond .
11 In such phrases one sees a characteristic Tolkienian strength : his ideas were often paradoxical and had deep intellectual roots , but they appealed at the same time to simple things and to everyday experience .
12 Now the , the pensions when they raised at the same time , because we only pension raised every year , and we 're up there at that particular time at the Lothian region , a full council meeting .
13 ‘ I 'm afraid stocks are still pathetically low , ’ Louise said as they looked at the half dozen dresses that were the only ones the assistant had in Constance 's size .
14 They put on separate roadshows as they appeared at the same event for the first time since Mr Major 's statement in the House of Commons .
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