Example sentences of "[conj] they [verb] [vb pp] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Yet when the BBC did their big programme two or three years ago ( commissioned by Michael Grade ) about women in the media , although they had phoned up and , as it were , picked our brains about women and Channel 4 , they quite failed to honour the fact what Channel 4 had done .
2 He just wants a better one than they 've got now but a very basic
3 Lucy knew it because whenever she started to talk about Christine , she 'd realise after a couple of minutes that they 'd moved on and were now talking about something else .
4 You speak to a person about one thing and they 've got a totally opposite point of view from you and you think well I am surprised , with all that they 've gone through and yet they you know , they do n't see , people do n't s think along the same lines .
5 He 's he 's out yes and there are two or three in which have erm you know they 're sorry that they 've gone back and er we feel sorry sort of for them that they 've dropped into and a lot of our young lads have got mortgages and all that but there are some gone back er they need not people erm they 'd finished rearing their families and everything .
6 It 's a possibility that some may think that , but I ca n't believe that with the management skills training that they 've received up until , up to that level , that they can still honestly think that 's correct .
7 What people tend to do is they answer a question that they 've revised well and they can easily answer and they spend an hour and a half on it and then they fi they do , I mean you know you see them answering they write you pages and pages and pages and it 's a perfect answer and they get maybe ninety percent but had they spent about half as much time they 'd have got seventy percent anyway because they knew most of the important bits .
8 What I , w w what we 've done is we 've assured them that we will provide the level of service that they 've had previously and if need be
9 Some felt that they had mellowed already and that they were n't so active as they had been before .
10 Analysts suggested that Celli 's announcement was intended to counter the May 11 claim by opposition deputies and AD dissidents that they had collected more than 100 signatures from congressmen in favour of reducing the current term of President Carlos Andres Pérez and that of the legislature by one year ( to four years ) , and also in favour of the use of the referendum as a permanent formula to guarantee the public 's participation in political affairs .
11 A voice that they had heard over and over again as they sat in Keith 's sitting-room .
12 Hurrying out with his little band through the inner and outer baileys , at the gatehouse their guards told them that they had heard rather than seen the Regent 's force riding between castle and town some time before .
13 Then she had found out about the baby and realised the truth — that they had done more than draw comfort from each other as mere friends .
14 They wished to kill and devour the father and then imagined that they had done so and felt guilty — is this what happened ?
15 The directors added that they had done so because ‘ this is the basis adopted in the accounts of the overseas subsidiaries ’ , and that the group accounts should be drawn up on the same basis in order to show a true and fair view .
16 When the fixed horizontal tailplanes were examined it was found that they had failed symmetrically and the upper skin on each side had completely separated in major sections .
17 I was going on with it , all the bumps were okay but when I was actually inside the building again I hung on to GrandPat to get to the steps but my hand slipped so I was going round with the current so I tried to hold on to the orange thing that they had put there but I slipped off that and I kept on going round and the lifeguard gave erm me and somebody else a hoop and we both grabbed onto it
18 She now suspected that they had known long before and were breaking it to her gradually .
19 Colonel Philips explained that they had thought initially that they had discovered a danger similar to that which had caused the Hob 's Lane disaster .
20 The fact that women have decided to participate in the difficult but just struggle of El Salvador has meant that they have developed politically and ideologically and that there have been many changes in men 's attitudes , After the triumph , I believe these changes will become more apparent .
21 The great merit of our constitutional arrangements is that they have developed cautiously and case by case .
22 But the shaming should not be of a ‘ stigmatizing ’ nature which will tend to exclude them from being accepted members of the community ; it should be of a kind which serves to reintegrate them within it , by getting them to accept that they have done wrong while encouraging others to readmit them to society .
23 At night they like to ride horses , and in the morning one can see that they have done so because the horses are exhausted …
24 7.6 Research on violence to staff in Social Work Departments shows that those who have been attacked can mistakenly feel that they have failed professionally and so may not report an incident in which they have been involved .
25 Can I close by thanking Rod our Chief Racing Coach for what I thought was a very excellent presentation of the R Y A Ye Year of Youth Sailing and I have great pleasure in launching that initiative for ts er this year 's Earls Court Boat Show again it seems horribly self evident that it 's only through increasing the involvement of the young that we assure thriving clubs and associations and classes for the future but nobody up here is going to say that it 's easy and I believe though that the work that the official , the officers and the R Y A put together will make it easier than it once was and I hope that the literature that they have put together and the programme that they have put together will be a help to all of you so please make use of it .
26 that the plaintiffs can not be heard to say that they have acted dishonestly when an honest construction can be put upon their conduct by treating their acceptance and retention of the money as being upon the terms on which it was offered .
27 She relates that Lena will even take the trouble to teach customers how to use machines that they have bought elsewhere and go out of her way to make deliveries , both free of charge .
28 Well , they thought they were superior because their trade was classified Grade I and Met was only Grade 2 , so they got paid more than I did and considered they were a cut above me in every way .
29 OK , so they 've had more than one single out , buy anyone who 's ready to dismiss them as past-it stroppy brats is wrong — they 're in tune with reality and still nowhere near their peak .
30 Once they had cleared away and washed the dinner pots , she set to and washed Martha 's hair .
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