Example sentences of "[conj] they [verb] [prep] [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 1851 George Sumner was appointed rector of Old Alresford , Hampshire , where they lived for thirty-four years , and where their son , ( George ) Heywood ( Maunoir ) [ q.v. ] , artist and archaeologist , was born .
2 Sparrow Force landed at the island 's north-west port of Koebang to protect its airfield , but within a few days the Independent Company , with some Dutch troops , was sent east along the coast to occupy Dili in the Portuguese half of the island ( see map p. 77 ) where they landed on 17 December 1941 .
3 While Agassi and Sampras , with supreme pre-final confidence , had flown home from Frankfurt after the ATP Finals for a few days of relaxation in Florida before returning to Europe , Noah had taken his squad off to a Swiss tennis resort , where they trained for 6 hours a day , offered themselves for 30 minutes daily to the press for customary grilling and focussed wholly on the task in hand .
4 Empowering local communities , that 's what really frightens the Tories , because what it means is they 'll never be able to come back with those repressive and regressive policies that they brought in two years ago .
5 In it he proposes the closure of at least one college at year that they reopen after three years and that they will not be allowed to employ anyone who 's previously taught at an Oxbridge university .
6 This does not mean that they speak with one voice — the press has often either been critical or published critical opinions — but there is clearly a limit to government tolerance .
7 On one occasion , when time had been scheduled in a departmental meeting for discussion of my questions , ten out of twelve members of staff present indicated that they had at one time or another received complaints from girls ( usually in the third or fourth year ) about the male bias of their overall literary ‘ diet ’ .
8 Re-examination of volcanic rocks within the NRS shows that they fall into two groups : alkali-olivine basalts of within-plate type , and calcalkali lamprophyres .
9 However , if we look at the remaining 20% of sessions we find that they fall into two classes .
10 You wo n't be surprised to learn that they won by ten wickets .
11 But they feel that they belong to two families and , as one girl put it , ‘ I was part of that woman 's body for nine months ’ , so discovering her birth-mother 's identity seemed , to her , an urgent necessity .
12 What we mainly have in answer so far , about causes and causal circumstances , is that they stand in seven connections — the last three of which are also fundamental to what will be said of nomic correlates .
13 So greatly did they enjoy the celebrations that they stayed for three days .
14 He speaks to them and they separate into two groups , trembling .
15 , and they came for eighteen months , two years , at the end of which the quality of the work had deteriorated , price was rocketing up
16 And they said within fifty years false teeth will be a thing of the past .
17 There was the afternoon when he drove out to the Crumbles and they slept for three hours , the wind pushing at the side of the car like a crowd .
18 We removed human hairs from several items of clothing and they fall into three categories .
19 He travelled widely in those days , often accompanied by his wife , and they lived for two years in the United States where he was responsible for ICI 's affairs in North and South America .
20 She and MacBride soon proved incompatible , and they separated after two years .
21 And they do for 5–10 minutes , then he speaks out of the silence , ‘ and I know what he is saying is of the Holy Spirit — it resonates so clearly in me and rings true ’ .
22 And they wandered for 40 years in the wilderness of indecision .
23 Brescia tonight playing Bolton at Burnden Park and they lead by one goal to nil .
24 If they fought for one side or the other , Standard Oil would be fighting Standard Oil .
25 But , now let me get onto diabetes , the other , the other illness what injects now diabetics are very , very clean , they know exactly where they 're going to inject , in fact they alternate , because if they keep to one spot then it 's , gets a bit sore .
26 Employees at Brown & Root must repay all their disturbance allowance and housing assistance grant if they leave the company within 12 months of moving and 50 per cent of this total assistance if they leave between 12 months and two years of the relocation .
27 Symptoms ( heartburn , acid regurgitation ) were defined as being related to reflux if they started within five minutes of a fall in intraoesophageal pH .
28 The chocolate bars are on Big Mal if they start with three points .
29 The Americans wanted the greatest possible acceleration of weapon production on behalf of the Atlantic Alliance in order to keep ahead of the Russians , but they insisted on two principles : first , that production and storage facilities should be located with due regard to strategic considerations , and that meant location in North America with minimum holdings in Europe ; and second , that there should be co-ordination of the American and British programmes to make best use of available expertise and resources , including exchange of scientists .
30 In 1987 Jim tried again with Sky TV presenter Alison Holloway but they split after seven months amid more claims of violence .
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